easy songs to start with


New member
hey peeps, just picked up the guitar abt a month ago, wanna be able to play a few simple songs. any1 here can intro a few songs that are relatively easy to play? thx :)
smoke on the water-deep purple
sweet child o mine- guns and roses.
sounds hard but its... easy after afew hours
depends on what genre u're looking to play.
if its punk rock start with any song from green day or blink 182.
if its grunge or towards the heavier side try smells like teen spirit by nirvana.
and if u want to learn a cool riff to impress ur friends, crazy train by ozzy osbourne is fairly simple.
Through fire and flames - Dragon force , anyone can pick up the guitar and learn that song in 5 secs .

haha kidding but try like chord work , acoustic songs first
joe satriani's cryin, always with you always with me
euguene's trickbag by steve vai, my friend learn it after 2 weeks don't know how he did it
i dunno if your friend's some sort of genius or something, but eugene's trick bag is not an "easy song to start with"