East side musicians. Woohoo?


New member
-can actually play & love your instrument (& if u can't sing well, DON'T become a vocalist :D )

if u:
- dunno what is "setlist", not sure how to operate your instrument (PLEASE! OMGEE.)
- can only play a few chords, don't even know simple music theory (pls go & learn 1st)
- just want to earn gig money
- nothing better to do so jam to waste time
- got several bands but want to join another one (how to choose if your bands got jamming or GIGS on same day similar time different place? Eh?)

-Nothing demonic or incessant show-off shredding and high-speed music (other than that, can negotiate. Avant garde also can).
-We prefer Asian music, but songs in English can also.

So guitarists, keyboardists and musicians of unique instruments, PM me and I will reply.
yea, musicians are not just bound to "music theory". You're looking for people who has a relevant knowledge of simple music theory yet you filter and restrict their ideology about music itself by setting genres and not letting musicians have their own mindset of judgment towards how they should direct their music and for what purpose and you still expect loyalty =.=. Does you band wanna direct itself through hobby or professionalism? If hobby no need to set standards because can slowly earn. Professionalism can set standards but you must give musicians freedom to express and also set goals
yea, musicians are not just bound to "music theory". You're looking for people who has a relevant knowledge of simple music theory yet you filter and restrict their ideology about music itself by setting genres and not letting musicians have their own mindset of judgment towards how they should direct their music and for what purpose and you still expect loyalty =.=. Does you band wanna direct itself through hobby or professionalism? If hobby no need to set standards because can slowly earn. Professionalism can set standards but you must give musicians freedom to express and also set goals

This. Well, at least i'm glad there's no racial filters...
Okay, got one guitarist PM me.
PMed you as well, distortion81~ :D
Vocalists, where are u?
East, west, north and south side musicians welcome!
(Lol it was a fun way to make the thread stand out eh)

I respect what Legenandary said. U got a point. :)

As for the flamers and detractors:
I got my views. U got yours.
Not happy, then don't waste time on the thread. (Duh?)

-As for the genre, that's more or less open to negotiation (which I did state).
I love metal but I hate people who shred NON-STOP (which I did state as well) just to show off - there, I've said it.

U ppl criticise cos u think it refers to u right?
Then go join other bands.
This thread is not for flaming and arguments.

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hey im not interested to join but i would like to say that you are starting off on the right note..its good to have a direction and i think your no-nos are a good thing
I disagree with the freedom to showcase thing... being a professional full time working musician and i have played in any many places clubs cafes and major paid events in singapore i would say that its difficult t must be one soundo move to the direction where the band is heading if everyone has the freedom to showcase..there must be one sound must be tight and one person to monitor that...so i dont think its wrong that u have all this requirements cause i think u have a direction for band...cheers rock and roll..wish u all the best...and to all those who oppose..:)**** *** *****
sorry this is what i meant to say...its difficult to head towarsd the direction of the band if everyone has the freedom to showcase and it becomes messy...so it has to be one sound and tight..so the band sounds good
sorry this is what i meant to say...its difficult to head towarsd the direction of the band if everyone has the freedom to showcase and it becomes messy...so it has to be one sound and tight..so the band sounds good

Finally at least ONE person openly sees and understands my point!
Any more musicians out there???
Or do you ppl just wanna do COVERS AND COVERS TILL U SIAN?
I then dun want...
hey shuling here.. i stay in the east side and i am a keyboardist.. so u all play chinese music? anything msg me at 93699158