earth quake anyone?

i was also on my comp when started shaking. thot was me due to work stress and lack of sleep! walked to my bed, still swaying left to right on bed. thot that's it! i am in trouble! gonna faint or something :smt095
rubbed lots medicated oil on head, walked to another bedroom to alert another housemate. than, walk unsteadily back to my room. took out the bp machine. haha. then, my housemate walked in (initially overcome by the fumes of my medicated oil), said hurriedly, " quick quick tis type cannot waste time, quickly must get out!"

silly me still didn't quite comprehend wat he was saying, thot silly him, me with this giddy spell still ask me to get out! :smt030
then, looked dumbly at my comp, SOFT website still on, got no time to type alert, left it on thinking still better than off! :oops: ran out, left tv on, bedroom door open with the air-con escaping, RUN RUN, with my backpack on my back, handphone left on bed even! (all these frantic actions in 1 min.) :smt119
Newbie said:
Mmm holland v like damn safe leh lol. cant feel anything. phew

So is the east, loyang area. But honestly, a part of me wants to experience those slight tremors. Just for the experience, even though most people would choose not to.
pooo said:
a part of me wants to experience those slight tremors. Just for the experience, even though most people would choose not to.
ya, i felt that way too, till i now keep feeling it so often. 8O
frightening a bit lah, my side at bugis can feel even more than the twice yesterday. swaying from right to left is ok but, it is wondering if it will stop that is more unnerving. you don't know if the next sway is gonna be bigger or if it will stop. so in that way, it can be frightening because you don't know whether to get out or to stay in! :(
soft said:
i didnt feel it here at macpherson.

Hey James...didn't know you stay in Macpherson too :P
I'm 3-mins walk from Boon's jamming studio

Strange that Potong Pasir experienced the quake but not Macpherson? *scratches head*
stillwater said:
Elias, so u freq Boon studio?

On the contrary, I seldom jam there. In fact, the last time I jammed there was during my poly days...and that's like more than 5 years ago *lol*

Reason being my current band members prefer a more central area, so we jam at BMC@aljunied.

You jam there frequently?
oh yes Elias, jam there once a week on the average...
no wonder never see any flying V guitarist...hehe
if not i sure look at it until as if i wanna rob it out of ur hands...hehe
stillwater said:
oh yes Elias, jam there once a week on the average...
no wonder never see any flying V guitarist...hehe
if not i sure look at it until as if i wanna rob it out of ur hands...hehe

*lol* Ermm...but these days, I'm using my white strat :lol: rob also no use...I'm a lefty leh, don't think you'd find a lefty guitar useful...hahah

btw, what type of music does your band do and any website/clips to share? :P
hey Elias, i play mainly FM punk/rock stuff. BTW talking abt video clip, wonder where can i get access to any software to edit .DAT file?

oh, dhalif also bmc... wah, all the rock stars jam there, someday i muz go there peep... :D