ear plugs anyone??


New member
hey, i need to ask all of you...
where can I get ear plugs for musicians around here in singapore?
thanks in advance for any suggestions and help!

heard my drummer say guitarist wear ear plugs only on 1 ear to help notice ur mistakes more clearly?
ermm, dunno abt special earplugs, but i got a simple earplug for abt one dollar plus at NTUC's pharmacy...
hi, if you have any friends, relatives serving NS now. U can ask them to buy the earplugs for SAF at their camp's Emart. If it can protect ur ears from live firing, grenade throwing etc. it's good enough for everything else.
heard my drummer say guitarist wear ear plugs only on 1 ear to help notice ur mistakes more clearly?

is there any truths to this?

or the ear plugs juz to protect ur ears from jamming?
OK, SAF earplugs might be super happening for reducing volume, but it also cuts out a lot of frequencies essential for hearing yourself properly. Putting 1 earplug in one ear isn't a very clever idea either, cos you are going to lose hearing in one ear real fast, and I can imagine that it will be quite disorienting if you have serious hearing loss in only one ear.

the best alternative is to purchase a pair of flat frequency attenuation earplugs, which reduce overall levels, but preserve a wider range of frequencies than regular earplugs - basically you hear more or less the same as you would without earplugs, but just a whole lot more quieter. They also attenuate some of the dangerous high frequencies, but the downside is that you also lose a little bit of bass response. but definitely a much better option than just regular earplugs or SAF earplugs. I strongly recommend the Etymotic ER-20 (http://www.etymotic.com/ephp/er20.aspx). I've been using them for a few years and they've been fantastic... really very good earplugs! I don't just wear them for jamming, I also wear them at gigs, even on the odd occasion I go clubbing (haha).Ya I know very geeky but I value my hearing!

Oh yeah, guitarists if you want to hear yourselves better, take a few steps away from your amp, and angle the amp towards your ears. Makes a whole world of difference, believe me. Please don't wear only one earplug!
you can get them from hung brothers at sim lim square, level 3. Take the escalator and you'll end up right in front of the store. They also carry shure, pro co and behringer, and some m-audio products.

I know they stopped bringing in etymotics for a period of time, but they've just got new stock... went on monday to buy a pair of Shure E2cs, saw some etymotic packaging and just casually asked if they had the etymotic ER-20s, and i was thrilled to know they had the ER-20s in stock!! I was so happy i bought two pairs on the spot for me and my better half :D they are really that worth it.

A pair of etymotic earplugs: SGD$25
Hearing aid: USD$2600
Good hearing for the rest of your life: Priceless

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