e-mu sound modules in software version


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e-mu sound modules in software versions









US$49.90 each
Not really. Just some added info. Too much effort - so provided link. :) The main thing is that the Proteus softsynths plug into Cakewalk's Dimension.
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Thanks for that link! This is very interesting indeed. Looks like digital sound factory sampled all the emu modules and put them into soundfonts. I didn't know Emu has a partnership with Digital Factory.
Sorry. I didn't know Digital Sound Factory is part of Creative. Read their FAQ. You're entirely right.

Great link.
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IMO, there are other considerations. One is that, because it is Creative, they chose soundfont (sf2) as their format. This is the natural step, but unfortunately not the best way ahead for Emu. Soundfont is pretty limited in their programmability. So we can anticipate very basic untweakable sounds.

The basic sample player is also important. So although Creative creates soundcards for households, these users will probably use the player that comes with their Creative soundcard, which again unfortunately, will be terribly limited in their tweakablility. Live tweaking of DSP effects etc will not be a strength. Also, we don't know about latency and polyphony issues, and how this would fair when played with other VST plugins at the same time. From my experience, Creative software (that comes with the Soundcard) is extremely bloated and CPU intensive. Of course, one can choose to use Kontakt or Gigastudio (which import soundfonts) to get better tweakings and performance - but then they will have to pay for the software.

I would like to find out what the experience of others who have used this. Perhaps, the version of the Emu plugins for Cakewalk Dimension will have better performance?

Their pricings are not too bad. But personally, I think there are better options by paying slightly more. Still, it may be a good option for people using Creative soundcards and are experimenting with new sounds. But for serious musicians, they would probably go for others like Arturia.

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