Hi killerbee
I play the DTXpress II for my church service and I strongly discourage you to get that if you don't want to lose your feel for acoustic drums (and have the money to spend).
After playing with that for 2 years (and I don't have a drumset of my own at home), I cringe whenever I sit myself in front of a set of real drums because I have lost the touch and control for them real drums. I can whack the drums like nobodies' business on an electronic drumset and no one will care - BUT - once you touch real drums, get ready to squirm. ):
Good thing is that screw ups can be covered up real easily, but that is not a good thing in the long run afterall eh.
For the DTXpress II, the sensitivity of the pads wear out after constant playing (so you'd be like 'WOW' at first, but after awhile, it will fail to impress), and the fill ins and attacks will definitely NOT be as versatile as that of real drums. The cymbals are also somehow not very trustworthy at times.
The DTXtreme is currently the Best (which means it costs a Bomb, I think abt 5k) electronic drumset available. Check it out here -
Ok I'm nitpicking here, but the screws will wear off also if you constantly whack the drum pads with the strength that they move out of place. Also, the ride pad will 'run off' the original position and it gets rather irritating.
Of course you should stick to your acoustic drumset but well, if you really have no money and no choice but to get electronic drums, I guess the DTXpress is.......ideal -squirms. Heh.
Hope that I've been of help!