DS1 MIJ - MIT(Black Label) - MIT


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Wads the difference between MIJ and MIT(black Label) ???

maybe fellow softies can help me ... also the difference between that two with MIT (Silver label) ... wads the difference ... also wads the best one .. for playing classic rock ... and is it better to be modified or not to be modified ???

thnx for the help brothers :wink:
Taken from www.bossarea.com

DS-1 Distortion
This is truly a classic distortion pedal. It produces a distortion sound with a hard edge and is known to have a very low noise level compared to other distortion pedals. Many people swear that the older "Made in Japan" models sounds better than the newer "Made in Taiwan" models. The DS-1 has over the years been used by a lot of great guitar players. Steve Vai and Joe Satriani are two players who has voiced their praise over this pedal. The DS-1 is also a favorite among modifiers. Keeley, Analogman and Stinkfoot all provide their own versions of this icon among distortion makers.

Version differences
The design of the DS-1 was changed somewhat around 1994. The main change was that the Toshiba TA7136AP opamp was replaced with the Mitsubishi M5223AL. The DS-1 has also gone through a number of cosmetical changes. The earliest version had a clear switch, silver thumb screw and the D in DS-1 placed directly underneat the t in Distortion. The D in DS-1 soon ended up under the i in Distortion where it remains today.

Boss Guitar Effects Guide Book vol.11 (1995):
THE DS-1 provides a harder distortion effect for guitar and keyboard sounds.lnstead of toneless, fuzzy distortion, the DS-1 faithfully reproduces all the subtle nuances quiet to screaming loud. The onboard Tone Control allows you to tailor the overall sound to your liking.

Using the DS-1

Mild distortion: This setting gives you mild, mellow distortion. For best results, use your pickup closest to the neck. (Fig. 1: Tone 0, Level 4, Dist 4)
Hard distortion: For this setting your should use your bridge pickup. When the TONE level is raised, highs are strengthened and a powerful distortion effect results. Adjust the amp and guitar volume carefully to avoid excessive effect depth. (Fig. 2: Tone 4, Level 4, Dist 7)


Controls: Tone, Level, Dist
Connectors: Input, Output, AC Adaptor
Current Draw: 4 mA (DC 9V)
Weight: 400 g (15 oz.)
Nominal Input Level: -20dBu
Input Impedance: 470kOhm
Nominal Output Level: -20dBu
Output Impedance: 1kohm
Recommended AC Adaptor: ACA or PSA Series (depending on production year)

Black - Made In Japan
Silver - Made In Taiwan
The DS-1 was sold from June 1978 to present
thnx for the info .. i mean actually the main point of the question is that wads the diff between MIJ and MIT(black label) cuz ... randolf ask me to hunt for MIJ or MIT(black label) if playing classic rock thing... but the difference of the price is high ... if there is no tone difference .. might as well buy MIT(black label) aniwae thanx once again ... :wink: :wink:
the difference is the chip they used and there is a tonal difference. as shred or thor they both have the MIJ ones.

there is a demand for the old MIJ ones hence the higher price not to mention that they do sound alot better than the new ones of course depending on the person good is subjective.
boss pedals, my favourite topic :lol: .

I did talk a little about my silver screw MIJ DS-1 and my early MIT DS-1 ( which I've sold ) here.

sound difference wise, you can refer to this

for collectors, this would be highly informative.

if you ask me for an opinion, I would say that the early MIT DS-1 sounds slightly harsher as compared to the early MIJ DS-1. I'm sure there are mods to remove the harshness. I dont mod my pedals so I wouldnt know the difference between stock and modded pedals.

early MIT DS-1s have the same PCB as the late MIJ DS-1s. I think there are 3 versions of the MIJ DS-1 ( not too sure about the MIT DS-1s though :wink: ). the PCBs include 052-286C, 052-286E and 052-286F. start unscrewing your DS-1s to check :D.



early MIT DS-1 insides



if your DS-1 insides looks like this, you are one lucky _______ .

the early MIT DS-1 that I used to have has a 052-286F PCB while the early MIJ Boss DS-1 has the 052-286C. I'm curious to know which one Shredcow has since his DS-1 is older ( momentary LED switch :P ).

all of them use the same chip ( or Op Amp ), which is the TA7136AP.


I've sold my early MIT Boss DS-1 for $80 & I've bought my early MIJ Boss DS-1 for $190. if you think $110 is worth it for a tad more transparency, I suggest you think thrice. I bought mine cos I'm a collector :oops: .

the early MIT is best for modding as I dont see a need to mod an MIJ DS-1. it is sought after for a reason. well, I'll leave this part to the pros. after all, they have more experience with modded pedals.

I guess I'll only mod my pedals when their components fail. they have a lifespan of 20-30 years. nothing last forever :).
If you're gonna spend close to 200 bucks on a MIJ DS-1 I'd suggest you take a hard look at some other dist/od pedals in that range, you can get far FAR better sounding and versatile stomp boxes for that price. Unless you're a collector, in which case :roll:
sepultura said:
If you're gonna spend close to 200 bucks on a MIJ DS-1 I'd suggest you take a hard look at some other dist/od pedals in that range, you can get far FAR better sounding and versatile stomp boxes for that price. Unless you're a collector, in which case :roll:

I have to agree with sepultura on this one. there are definitely better distortion pedals out there. I do admit that the skreddy screw driver sounds better to my ears ( more transparent if thats the way to describe it ) :oops: . tried one at Malcolm's place some time back.

then again, I'm more of a collector than a player :twisted:
sepultura said:
If you're gonna spend close to 200 bucks on a MIJ DS-1 I'd suggest you take a hard look at some other dist/od pedals in that range, you can get far FAR better sounding and versatile stomp boxes for that price. Unless you're a collector, in which case :roll:

It could be that you just like the sound of the ds1 too, thats why some would fork out that amount to get one. 8)

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