drummers who owns a kit please come here!


New member
hello to all drummers here!

i'm a drummer myself and i love photography. i was thinking if any drummers who owns a kit and wants some pics taken.. why not let's work something out!
i have some ideas which we can discuss.

u can check out my work at www.wongliji.com/photos

do let me know if u are interested yea! :)

msn : lepids@hotmail.com (you can just add me to msn and discuss)
hello all!

hahaa. hey. i'm looking for bands too.. i really like to do some attitude(in-your -face) kinda pics. so yeah.. if anyone's interested, just give me a buzz/add me to msn.

drop me a pm/email, let me know if you are interested!

msn will be better. i'm online most of the time! i'm still looking for bands to shoot. talk to me, we can discuss something out.
weird thing. i can't quote the replies. kaka.. okk.

i try and reply everyone. yeah.. i posted in kopitiam. but apparently they are not the kind of bands which i'm looking for. i'll prolly gonna post it up again on a new thread with more specific details.

ideally i'm looking for rock/punk/alternative/metal/ugetthedrift bands.. bands with attitude and style. because that's the kind of photos i'm gonna do.

frummer : ur fren is which one? hahahhaa..
haha. pretty straight forward i thought. i'm doing a mouth series and that's the art form of it. see how it goes. i might just do the real thing when the time comes. haahah

i thought some of u guys might be interested. presenting to you Kenny Hogan.


any musicians who want to collaborate with me, feel free to drop me a mail at liji@wongliji.com yea!