Drummer here but a "guitar freak".


New member
drummer looking for Musicians (Guitarist and Bassist )

Looking to Jams "ONLY" Instrumental Guitar Songs. Some songs in mind.... ritchie blackmoore( Carry.. On Jon) ,Gary Moore (Loner) Joe satriani(surfing with aliens,Ice 9, Flying in the blue dream) ,steve vai (for the love of god, tender surrender) , jimi hendrix (Red House), stevei ray Vaughn( Scuttle Butting,little Wing) ,paul gilbert (viking kong), Yngwie (Bothers), Mettallica Kirk Hammet (Orion) and others you might know , obviously I need a guitarist to play this song and a Bassist. we played to relax (no pressure or stress) we learn and Enjoy ...our Jams. The Cost we split. Jamming on evening or weekends...Wecanplayed 2 or 3 songs first see how??
Most of the song are Slow..and Mellow. I dont know if you are able to play all style, but I am sure some of you can . Email me AsaP.tks "We just dont listen we played it"

Email : aimza4@gmail.com