Drummer available


New member
Hey guys,

I am a beginner and have been playing drums for awhile now and would like to get more experience playing with different people and also keen on making music! However, my influences include Megadeth, Metallica, Avenged Sevenfold, GnR, Anthrax etc and i also do other genres like pop-punk, punk rock, thrash metal, hard rock, etc... Well yeap im looking for a band now as well so yea hope to share the beats with anyone out there yeap...

Thanks and Rawk on!!

Im 25 yo guy, pianist, 8 y experience in classical, 2 y in jazz, 4 months in jazz/rock band. Left band because of relocation.
I want to form a rock / jazz band.

I need a drummer. If you're in, send me a private message.
Hey err my band is looking for a drummer. We play modern and classic rock like, Oasis, Green Day, Led Zeppelin, The Beatles, GNR and etc. Age range is 19-23.

If you're interested, do pm me ASAP. Thanks.
hey, my band needs a drummer, so hope that you can help out. so far we play 90s, early 2000s and top 40s music eg. oasis, nirvana, nickelback and other stuff. we're still new, we're just looking to jam for fun on weekends right now, so nothing too serious.

we're all chinese males, age range 16-22. do PM me if you're interested. thanks!
hey daryl, we write our own and at times play metallica megadeth stuff too! check out myspace vervaine for past recording of detox... vocalists come and go but we want someone tight for drums with us stinging string section! Steve- 90273200 plus we have recorded an LP and currently writing new rock originals.. lets kick ass and yeah we swear a lot.
hi bro, my band are looking for a beginner drummer.. my band influences iron maiden, skid row, megadeth, rev theory, firewind, avenged sevenfold, gammaray, helloween etc...

If you are interested do PM me versus08@live.com

Thank bro.