Drum Work Shop by John Thomas!!!

He's 25 and he's Malaysian, but he's been pro since... no idea, at least 5 years ago. His father is a local (M'sian) jazz guitar legend Josie Thomas. If you get him to teach, his fees are RM80/45min session, or so I've heard.
25??? thats kinda young. probably like the tony royster junior guy?
Do you think its worth it to go for this workshop?
I mean, you happen to know stuff of this guy.

it's not exactly a "drum" workshop. he's promoting NI's Battery, a drum sampler software. It's more for sequencing and arranging than drumming.
john thomas. awesome drummer. a real bundle of energy.

not sure if he can "unleash" in this workshop :mrgreen:, but no harm paying amount like a drum lesson sit in and see what happens..
I'll try to catch it if can man...

I caught his act during the mosaic festival here in Singapore.He was palying with The Phunk Mob.Bloody awesome...he also did a drum solo...which I honestly couldn't comprehend what he was doing some times..haha.

Not your average drummer people...trust me.
He's currently touring with A-Mei as well.

And if you can't get enough of what he shares during the workshop, no harm approaching him for a private lesson or 2 while he's still in SG ?
Drum Work Shop in SMU by John Thomas!!!
