double bass.


New member
guys, bet you ppl saw how mike portnoy, joey jordison and many other famous drummer do the double bass.

just wanna know how do you guys practise doing the double bass.
heel up or down ?
how do you guys keep the beats it consistent ?
and are your hands and legs coordinations good ?, if not how do you play the double bass while using your hands at the same time ?

sorry guys. so many questions at one go.
but your replies are very much appreciated !
thankyou guys in advance

i am just a beginner. so apologies if i said someting wrong. [=
1) i used to heel down alot...but now i need the power. now its all heel up
3)more metronome 8) feeel the beats too...

good luck :D
whatever your hands can do, legs also can.
if your right legged, practice LLLRLLLRLLLRLLLRLLLR to strengthen up the weaker legs.
every strike must have an equal sound.
use a metronome.
heel up technique are more for power and speed.
for me basically i use heel up. more comfortable.
dun try to do as fast as joey if u just started.
go slowly, speed will come to you naturally.
thats all i have to say. good luck :)
its tempo machine. it will produce a clicking sound. for instance, you set 220bpm(beats per minute), it will click accordingly. therefore you won't play off timing.
you can get a cheap one for round 20-30. you could buy Dr.Beat for 95dollars at Drum Resources. haha but i think a cheap one will do just fine.
if you're a beginner then perhaps you may not want to really start with double bass? just a suggestion
haha get those electric metros at like <$5? i think, cos i use those. and they have a tuner in it too. practise double bass patterns BOTH heel up and heel down, as it really strengthens and opens up your playing. to build speed just do patterns for long periods of time and repetitiously. be able to switch between heel up and heel down at anytime, to make your playing more dynamic. to practise this, play stuff like paradiddles, and on the accents play heel up while the other strokes are heel down. or something like that. to build coordination and consistency, do with your feed what you would do with your hands to build coordination - practise rudiments, paraddidles for example, practise reptitive eights on each foot, practise all patterns starting with leading with your weaker foot, which evens out your patterns and also opens up your playing, and remember that consistent motion breeds consistent sound. so make your feet move consistently and you'll find you'll sound consistent.

just what i feel.
is heel up that good? (leaving the beater at the head). I could play that last time but my teacher changed me to heel down. (beater off the head) now i cant really play heel up. Although it gives me more power i feel that it is not so steady and accurate.
heel down is definitely easier. and it saves energy. if it doesn't affect your playing, play as much heel down as possible. but heel up is always better because you get kind of a better sound. but anyhow, the best way is to practise both.
hey daltonsim wat is the electric metros u were talking about? is it a metronome? and u said it has tuners too. where did u get it and how does it looks like?


mine looks something like that. can buy at alot of music stores.