Does the value of a guitar appreciate over time?


New member
Hi there,

Is it true that the dollar value of a guitar appreciates over time? I understand that for guitars such as a Martin or Taylor appreciates over time in US context. Does this apply in SG context as well?

Thanks for reading.

Its not about the country... If it appreciates / depreciates, its global. Its all about demand / supply forces.
Yup. It depends on the guitar, and for the value to appreciate, it takes a lot of time. Generally, expensive guitars like Martin D-28s and Guild D-40s would appreciate if they are old enough, but the majority of guitars today won't...
Its all about demand / supply forces.

This. Applies for everything. Not just high end guitars.

If suddenly SX guitars stopped production and after 10 years they suddenly become a craze and everyone wants one, the value of the guitars will appreciate. Its all down to market forces.
All above 'market forces' points are correct. Could be the worst piece of crap guitar out there but if someone famous starts to use one, or if the maker dies, or some other factor comes in to make them more desirable, this could cause the value to increase.

Generally though, most new instruments bought today will not retain their value (unless they are in above category) - even high end ones. They will almost all depreciate over time, starting with the moment you bought it and took it home.
Generally, expensive guitars like Martin D-28s and Guild D-40s would appreciate if they are old enough, but the majority of guitars today won't...

I don't think this is true - not for D-28s anymore anyway. They make a lot of them these days due to modern production methods. I have a D-28 I bought 6 or 7 years ago. Highly doubt i could sell it for even 75% of what I paid and I think it unlikely its value will appreciate at all due to there being so many of them out there now.
But generally they do. Like Charvel guitars. And Fender/Gibson 60s 70s stuff. And lawsuit guitars. Yeah, it all depends if like, someone famous uses that brand, imo.
Demand and supply yes. Another reason why there's a vintage market going, is mainly becos of the sound musicians/collector are going for. Old guitars may not necessary sound phenomenal over the newer ones but they do capture the sound of a certain era. For example, a kid grew up with hendrix music had always dream of reproducing his sound but at his age he could never afford it. But when the kid eventually grown and turned into a very successful businessman, he will be able to and at all cost, at what ever amount he can afford to acquire the exact same guitar or rather the same year/make/brand to fulfill his childhood dreams. Repetitive process of acquisitions and speculations from all these high-flyers drove the vintage market to what it is today. It's kinda of an evolution. That's what I think it is.

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