Does anyone know where to get masks?

Lips Entreprise, 3rd floor of Far East I think. Lol.

You can try magic/joke shops too. I think I saw one at Lucky Plaza, 3rd or 4th floor if I'm not wrong :p
Actually if done right I think wearing masks can help people to remember your band. And it helps if band members have stage fright hee hee... nobody will know who you are in real life.
Like KISS. One look everyone knows it's them rite?

Masks are sweet for performing. Makes it easier for you to adopt an alter-ego while on stage.
And I've always been a fan of Slipknot and their masks, but it gets kinda silly when they are wearing the masks to interviews, conferences, etc etc.

You should really check out ebay's catch of masks, some are truly awesome.
I wanted to perform in full buckethead getup before .. But then i think it's like kinda copying straight out, so i rather wear a different mask and of course, no chicken bucket.
i can get slipknot mick mask if u want to. I will going to the state for my holiday and i know where to get their mask... reply me if u want it....
I think the best is for you to create your own masks (like those folks who participated in the soft slipknot contest). Exercise a bit of creativity :P