Does Any Of You Knows - Moeller and or Velocity Techniques ?

Hi Bros-

I am currently using a Tight-Grip to expedite my stroke on Rudiments that uses alot of Wrist-Works (I don’t know what is it called)'s a great Exercise. However I want to learn how to use/expedite Moeller Method correctly (Sanford A Moeller - Jim Chapin, Joe Morello uses this)

I heard this method can gain tremendous speed (also not so tired) – I heard it uses Elbow Lift, Elbow Turn then do the downstroke. There is a (Large, Full, Half & Low Moeller) – The benefit of this Technique - they say is “Get Multiple Sound From One Motion”….they also say – if we can master this Techniques it will help us a lot in our Rudiments.

On the other hand, the Velocity Techniques is very similar to “Stone Strokes” by George Lawrence Stone.

The Difference Between The 2 Techniques is summarise as follows:-

Moeller: - Whip
Velocity: - Bouncing A Ball

Moeller: - Starts in the down or “set” position
Velocity: - Starts in the up position.

Moeller:- One motion for multiple sounds, a very efficient technique.
Velocity: - Individual motion for individual sound, very muscle intensive technique.

Jeff Queen: (a 4 times International Solo Snare Drum Champion) uses both the above techniques in expediting his strokes………

PS: - you know all the while when I was learning – I thought that the current technique that I’m using is the only or the best techniques – but it is not (I learn to be more opened) as I realize different Techniques call for different situation – and the Very Fast & Good Drummers uses a mix of these Techniques…and I do not know the other 2 techniques.

Is there any of you out here in SOFT who can actually help by SHOWING how this 2 techniques…especially The Moeller Technique is been done technically in a correct sense??????….I believe in the Value of these 2 Techniques....can show me in our drum meetup????
i think moeller has a bk out called master studies. there are several singaporean berkley students who are still in sing or will come back in the hols. they wld know i reckon. Audrey was taught by alan dawson so she might be able to explain it to u.
anyhow i read somewhere tht when after yrs of prac drummers who play at blistering speeds ard the kit end up using the moeller without knowing. dun quote me on tht though.
tony royster actually did a video on building up speed... in it he did show how the moeller technique is actually done....

do a search on youtube... i think i saw it there

or RD.. go claim master class for tony royster
watched a few instructional vids on youtube

not sure if it's right but my understanding of moeller consist of 3 parts

1) downstroke
you do a whipping "normal" stroke
at the end of the motion when the stick hits
let you hand remain at the last position

2) tap stroke
do a tap with your wrist but not raise your forearm yet

3) upstroke
this stroke is like the "ands" when you play 8s on your hats with accented 4s. it is the lighter stroke where you will tend to lift your elbow.

well something like that. and i find it easier to execute the 2nd stroke if at the last position of the 1st stroke i tend to let my stick rebound abit to return to an 'up' position. that is i do not grip it too tight.

i'm not sure if dis is correct. if it's wrong mabbi someone can correct me? =)
Aiyah...I have the DVD by that (what 4 times International Snare Champion"...He teaches both the techniques - but I think I am quite stupid lah - I try but my stick fly north south east west - chai-lat lah - so unless oneday I invite you all come my home - we see together then you all teach me ...ok how he expidite it....Can?
How to lend you when myself still don't know - but can share with you Bro Marc - you come my home oneday - we both sit down try to figure out how to expedite it correctly, while we drink coffee and talk cock Hahahahaha ! - this way - I also can learn mah correct?

I also have the Text that come with this DVD - you know...

I think u should just stick to ur current technique first.....learning is like climbin up...the moeller makes drumming easier but this technique is very hard to learn..
yah thts pretty gd advice natasha.

i reckon rd learn it wat can it hurt. but go to a teacher to have it checked out. ask alvin or something

honestly i dun think i'd ever learn the moeller, there's too much other stuff to get down. maybe on day hahahh

do u noe that by lookin u learn more compared to listenin...? try lookin..
i learn drums by using my senses..but mostly by using my sight...
observe how they apply the moeller and one day u will get it...
trust me...
Thanks bro I actually saw this clip already....yeah good.

Hey actually now my stroke especially my Single Stroke is pretty fast liao and even also (I only knew it last night when someone in my family say - Wah your hand so fast now liao har?) .... wah I bery bery happy "Fast meh I say"...Kekekeke actually inside my heart so bery happy, cause I only practice 3 weeks.....Alvin (is my Instructor) taught me a technique in expediting stroke and it really works, now I'm really pretty fast - - - wait I practice another 6 months...wah must be very fast liao lah.....I'm happy cheers !
hey actually, if you can play a 16-beat groove at speeds of 110 and above with one hand on the hihat with downbeat accents, that's pretty much moellar already. It can come naturally.
Just thought I'd share a post by Bill Bachman, who's a poster on another forum I frequent. He shared an excerpt from his DVD where he expounds a little on the Moeller. I haven't seen this before, so I think it might be pretty recent.

Hey guys, if you're interested in getting some more insight on Moeller Technique check this out:

(scroll down a bit to video lesson #2 from the Rudimental Beats DVD)

let me know whatcha` think! thanks, Bill ><>

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