Doepfer A100 Modular System


New member
Hello guys,

If you are interested in old school analogue synthesis. I have a show this Friday where I'll be using the Doepfer A100 Modular System 1 with Sherman Filterbank II plus others. Drop by if you are interested. Details of the event HERE. It's a project about photography and sound.
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Yeah. Sonicbrat is the analog pro in SOFT. Will really be interesting to go...

Wah, paisay lah. I am no expert. I am sure there's more people out there who's dabbling in analogue synthesis. I play play only. The presentation is about half an hour and followed by a Q&A, this is part of STaM (Small Talks about Music) series in SAM. I'm honoured to be invited by Dr Gooi to collaborate with him on this one. See you guys there.
Ok, DdayHhour approaching. See you guys there if you are coming. Come say hi to me after. Here's leaving you a view of my (frigging) messy patch sketch for tomorrow's show. Hope I can understand myself tomorrow when setting up. Cheers.
