Hi kongwee,
May i just clarify?
Digital recording in terms of softsynths? E.g. Hypersonic, KONTAKT? You record the instruments via midi routing etc.?
Analog recording meaning from your audio interface e.g. firebox, LinePod etc or mixer into your computer?
Personally for me i think the recording part isn't as important as the conversion. At the end of the day when you trace the signal chain for example recording a guitar. The signal goes from your guitar (line-in or mic) into your audio interface/PCI card etc and it converts into a digital signal that gets recorded into your software, after which, your software converts it back into a analog signal that gets played on your headphones/monitors.
I think more importantly the AD/DA conversion is important, if you don't have good convertors or at least decent ones your recorded sound won't be what you are looking for.
Sorry for detracting! In regards to the post i'd use a mixture of both. I think if i had the choice i would go all analog. I still love the analog warmth. =)
But sometimes digital has to come in for example when i'm unable to record a full drumset.