Digital Piano quandary!!


New member

i am a novice. have always been interested in learning the piano and have just started piano classes.

want to buy a piano in the mid-range (SGD2000-3000). definitely not a keyboard !! and definitely not a casio either.

have also read through the posts in the forum - have gathered that the clavinovas are no-gooders ! unfortunately, i was considering it to be a feasible option. but my options are still open.

just wanted to know from the well-versed - are the latest of the CLP clavinovas still as bad as the previous ones? and if so, which of the P-series or S-series of yamaha digital pianos would you recommend?

apologize for posting this query similar to others before but some of the replies are more than a year old so just wanted fresh views.

wad kinda piano lessons do u take? is it classical piano or pop piano?

u have to take into consideration of what kinda piano suits ur style for instance if ur taking a classical piano course , den i think a digital piano wif a hammer action keyboard should do the trick.if ur into pop piano , i guess any digital piano would do besides.... correct me if i'm wrong but i think a digital piano wif a hammer action keyboard is a bit more costly

anyways i'm also a newbie at piano playing but i'm just giving u as much info as i can although i rarely get to touch a digital piano.
am taking classical piano lessons.

ideally, i would like to have a piano but since it's quite a bit beyond my budget i am considering a digital piano - because i thought it's intermediate between a keyboard and a proper piano both in terms of price and sound quality/touch etc.

pls advice.

i would certainly advise u to get a real upright piano instead of those digitals.i know it is a bit costly but for me , i managed to get a nice kolher and campbell upright for 1.5k second hand.although it is around 8-9 years old , it still is in stable condition.

try looking for second hand piano dealers in town and compare their prices and especially the brand of the piano.sometimes the brand of the piano really determines the quality of the piano and it's not to say dat i'm a branded person or anything but i would first look at the brand before considering....

there's this shop in tajong katong road near TKGS there , they sell the exact of model of my piano for 3k++ which i think is kinda value for money.although an upright cost a bit more than a standard digital , i guess the sound quality is better and more "real".
I agree. If you're taking classical piano, always go for a piano instead of a digital one. No how good the hardware is, it will never give you the feel and touch of real piano keys. Also, nothing beats the sound of a real piano.
i can give u the shop details thou since i have his name card....

Harvest Piano and Music Studio

Kelvin Goh

279 Tanjong Katong Road
Singapore 437062

just tell him a customer recommended this place to me and u can ask him about the prices of his pianos.

he sells Samick , Kawai , Kolher and Campbell , Yamaha , Pearl River Pianos.very warm and friendly guy i must say....

oh by the way cheez do u know anyone who knows the art of piano servicing and tuning? as in something like an apprenticeship?
if you're learning classical piano, u MUST have an acoustic piano. nothing else will do. and they're not expensive, if u get them second hand. if u're lucky u'll be able to pick one up for under 1k. that's roughly half the average price of the digital pianos and clavinovas nowadays.
DoubleBlade said:
oh by the way cheez do u know anyone who knows the art of piano servicing and tuning? as in something like an apprenticeship?

Don't know. You can ask the piano tuners. Don't know if they want to train others - it is a small market and competition is high. You know, I've thought about learning piano tuning as well when I was a student. I thought I can put my perfect pitch to use. But that never materialise and probably never will. I encourage you to explore that area. When you learned it, come and teach me!
what i see is a huge potential in the piano industry.wif the economy booming and pple getting rich by the day , they can afford to buy pianos for their children to learn and at the same time practice.i see the piano servicing industry as a dying trade but the demand is far as i know , there are not many piano servicing shops around Singapore dat provides tunings , servicing and merchandising as compared to their guitar counterparts such as Swee Lee Pte Ltd.
You are right. Tell us if you find out who you can train under! It will be quite interesting to see where this goes!