
Re: Someone convince me to keep my P90s and not change to Hu

What equipment/settings are you using? "Warm" sound, IMO, can be attributed more to the amp/effects/settings rather than solely the guitar...
I do not think the bridge pickup is muddy, the bridge pickup has a huge high end though.

I ran the Epi56 goldtop thru my Vintage Rat into a cube 15 and the neck pup sounded pretty warm to me with the tone controls rolled down.
U might wanna try running it thru a compressor .
Before you run out to buy a compressor or eq or what not... try doing this...

Lower your bridge hum. Either both sides or on the bass side.

Usually, mud is caused by jamming a pup too close to the strings. So check that first....
k thanks all. I'll try lowering it first then eq ing. Let you all know the outcome. By the way i'm using a gfx8. any tips from users?
blahblah said:
just get the gibson creative, buy original!
no offence but I think no one petitioned the P90 itself so ... yea I dont think there is such thing as a "Original" P-90
Haha I like mine well and good. I used to find them whiny when turned up to high gain but realised that it was the amp.


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