De-nounce Singlish at your own risk

no Singlish = no more Singaporeans people.
i think they should try to emphasize that when we speaking to other people (foreigners and people in the service industry and in the workplace), we should speak in perfect english,
but when with your own buds, just whack anyhow only lah ~ why need so perfect ?
We have our own identity, I don't get it why we have to speak perfect english. HAHA.

Let them use Singlish, hope to see everyone in the world using Singlish as an universal language.


Singlish is frowned upon becuz it's not a multi-million dollars generating industry like the African-Americanized English.

'Sup wid dat, yo?
ok lah. its a simple article. as we get older as a nation, it'll be more obvious.

what do you guys think of
i have always have something against Singaporeans who speak with an accent. because afterall, we are Singaporeans, why do you want to speak like you are from elsewhere? also i feel Singlish gives Singaporeans some sort of identity and i agree that when you speak to those AngMohs, we have to take Singlish out of the speech.

and i remember watching a video of Lunarin in the studio, should be TnT studio if i am not wrong. and the studio owner was talking about how Lunarin speak with such Singaporean style. and that he finds that those 'kids' always come into the studio and speak with an accent. and then he goes.. for what?
In Singaporean English (known as Singlish), think is pronounced "tink," and theories is "tee-oh-rees." - Quoted from the given website.

Denounce singlish at your own risk? More like look at how silly we seem.
In Singaporean English (known as Singlish), think is pronounced "tink," and theories is "tee-oh-rees." - Quoted from the given website.

Denounce singlish at your own risk? More like look at how silly we seem.

there're still people that can speak both perfect english and singlish at the same time bro. like me. haha.

* i dont think PCK would be funny if perfect english was used.

PS. claire_P86 smurf's cute. :D
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People who think its silly probably feels so because they make it out to be inferior to other cultures. But i tink its perfectly ok to speak the way you do shld your English be laced with tamil/hokkien/melayu etc etc.

I don't need no grammar/phonetic nazis to come tell me how to speak when the rest of the world are just fine doing it their own way.

Accent and enunciation are two different things? Speaking clearly without mumbling/slurring etc. But isn't that part of what an accent is? People speaking English with a southern drawl, or brit-styled mumbling. Isn't an accent the manner of pronouncing a language.
I still pity people who can't differentiate between the meanings of the terms 'accent' and 'enunciation'.

yeah makes you feel high and mighty knowing you know the difference between two words, doesn't it?

Singlish is our heritage and a testament to the common bond we share. in fact i say, it's about all we have to unite us. It's a total bastardization of english by 4 or 5 generations of immigrants. it's totally unique and we shouldn't be ashamed of it. Foreigners are missing out, too bad. is seriously awesome, when are they going to come out with a new film anyway?
It was kinda sad that talkingcock the movie was kinda "banned" by media watchdogs here. Colin goh had a very hard time with the movie back then so much so that it left a sour taste in his mouth. It's really sad that some Singaporeans metaphorically "spit" on the movie when overseas it drew a lot of interest and was warmly received.

I dunno if he plans to release any sequel to talkingcock but i really2 hope so.

In any case our local filmmakers are making headway internationally recent case cite is Royston's 881. Lets hope we see more of our musicians joining them soon.
speaking of Colin Goh, I saw 'Singapore Dreaming' some time back and it was pretty good. I think Eric Khoo would have been proud!