Daisy Chain


New member
I just bought a daisy chain and it can't be used. I used an "universal" adaptor and it is able to power up my pedal. However, when I use the daisy chain, the pedal can't be powered up, even it's only 1 pedal. I've heard about complications using daisy chains. So, is my problem because of the daisy chain's faulty, or is it because of the complications, like using an universal adaptor with daisy chain doesn't always work?

i'm using a universal adaptor, one where you can set how much volts you want, the the splitters of different connectors. the daisy chain i got it from guitar 77, the 15 bucks one.
is it a 5-way daisy chain? u tried all 5 ports but still cant use? if so, then its the daisy chain. bear in mind though that in a 5-way daisy chain, one or more of them could be spoilt, so its best u try out all the ports available, then u can narrow down where the problem really lies.

my gut feeling says its the chain though.
I had the same problem too, I've got 2 different adaptors a universal adaptor like the one the TS has and an Original Zoom Adaptor for my multi FX last time, When plugged to the ' universal adaptor ' with the daisy chain, the pedal wont power up whilst plugged to the Zoom Adaptor to the daisy chain it works. Strange ... Might be problem where these universal adaptor dont sent enough current when plugged into the daisy chain to power the pedal?
^hi, i use a universal adaptor too, and it powers 4 pedals at the same time, with a 5-way daisy chain. (i dont have a 5th pedal, lol).

so, if that is the case, change your adaptor. buy one that is not too cheap, as these are longer lasting and can "give out" more power without screwing up. or better still, get an adaptor meant for pedals. like the Boss one sells for about 30 i think at sweelee.