D.I.Y GIG- Any band interested?


New member
Hi Bands,

Currently I am conducting a research before my crew starts planing for this D.I.Y gig.

Will your band pay S$35.00 to perform for just 30 mins.
This event will take place in late May. Time and venue will be disclosed later. If the response is good then i will go on with the planning of this gig.

Right now, I got two bands that agree with the fees and they can't wait to perform. I'm looking for Alternative/Rock/Heavy Metal/punk rock band.

If you guys are interested and want to perform, pls mail me your:

Band Name:
contact no:
No of gigs perform:
Suggestions (if any):

Mail me at hadirman17@gmail.com

Note: I'm sorry if i cant reply to all your mail as i have two side project coming up very soon.I will make a point to reply to each and every one of you.

Thanks guys.
if you're asking for sgd$35, then you should let them play for more than 30minutes. minimum would be a 45 minute set. setup and all the other soundchecking nonsense.

either way, think its pretty steep ah.
Heehee.... yeah lah..... If you don't have funding and you are not getting a venue where you make the audience pay (free performance for audience). Then the only way for the DIY to work is for the bands themselves to foot the bill.

$35 if very fair price to ask, even for 30mins performance limit (I think does not include setup time). Some newbie bands cannot even fill up a 30mins slot, let alone 45-60min.

About 10-15 bands maximum can play a day, which makes up a total budget of $350-$525 ONLY. You can at most get a minimum equipment rental, and the venue have to be sponsored by some one else. So there is no possibility of 'making money', as you also have not factored in the people who volunteered to organise and provide manpower .
hey bro..hadi..do you think u could sms or call me...94559144..call me One. Or u could leave ur no. so tat i can get back to u.
Got stuffs to ask u n discuss with u bro...calling make everything work easier. Thanks bro..anyway my band is interested n dun mind to fock out some cash but yeah we'll talk n discuss this matter ya. Thanks
i think a good way is to give the bands tix for presale. you give them about 20 tix or more, then tell them to give you back the price of about 10 tix (maybe $6 each or as long not too steep). do the math. then for the rest of the tix, let the bands decide . its kind of a win-win situation cause u get the funds, the band gets some money at least and the should be a crowd cause they already bought tickets, unless the bands didnt sell any tickets, then gone case. just a suggestion.. u might want to take into consideration

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