D.I Box Recommendation


New member
Hi there...as above anyone has good D.I boxes to recommend? they'd be used for musical instruments like guitars and piano and keyboards. Really appreciate your aid in this matter :)
I would recommend Radial. If your guitar pickups are passive, you might wanna get the J48 active DI, if not the JDI will work great.
thanks for all the recommendations...am actually looking to get at least 3-4 boxes for church use...hmm..any other brands and maybe where they can actually be found at?
Depending on your budget. If the JDI's or J48 are beyond your budget, the Radial PRO series are pretty good too at a lower price. Can get those from Hung Bro's at Sim Lim Square. I'm using a Rolls DI too, not the best, but slightly cheaper. Going for the cheap and not too fussy about sound? Go for Behringer =P... DI-20, cost only about $40 for 2 channels. They are a little noisy I feel... :)
i got a behringer DI800. 8 DI boxes in a rack for like $200. but yea I got the j48 also that costed me $300.

quantity = 8 DI boxes = $200
quality = 1 DI Box = $300
can i hijack your thread? so that i don't need to open a new thread for asking similar question ;)

what about BBE DI-100X? it's an active DI with built-in Sonic Maximiser. any verdict guys?