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Bro! How does the earphones compared to Sony? I have a MP3 player. Im using its supplied earphones. It has the clarity but the bass is not good.
Yo leecs,

it is much clearer than your existing sonys as the drivers are of very high quality.

Also the bass is much stronger and punchier but not uncontrolled like the sonys.

do drop me an sms at 91800328 to deal. thanks!
Sorry to add 1 more thing. I've tried the Sony $80 earphone. The bass is good, but theres a vol drop. With my stock earphones, bass not so good but vol loud. How does yours compare? Thanks
When it comes to volume, check the impedance rating on your head/ear phones. Regular ones usually vary between 60-150ohms. Higher impedance sets meant for studio applications might be up to 600ohms

The higher the impedance, the more electrical energy is required to drive the headphones' tiny speakers. Because of the limited power available from a portable player, headphones for portable use should have a maximum impedance of 64 ohms — the lower the impedance, the more efficient the 'phones, and the more volume you'll get out of them.
leecs personally i think the sony ones are crud actually. especially the in ear buds. Huge amount of bass, alot of treble but no mids what so ever. Best sony ones i have are the MDR-E888s. Those are nice balanced earphones.

Recently took the plunge on a pair of Ultimate Ears - Super Fi 3s. Excellent IEMs. The westone UM1 is also very good and comfy.

The lower the impedance means it needs less power to drive the earphone. Say if ur MP3 player is set to vol 10. A pair of earphones which has a lower impedance will sound louder than a pair with higher impedance.