custom basses?

i may sound like an asshole,i apologise for it

Don't apologise if you gg to be one.

Let a fellow bass player ask legitmate qns abt basses if he wants. THis beats reading page after page of insecure young kids talking abt how thye can't get no action with the opposite sex playing bass.

To address the thread.

There's a guy who makes custom pickguards if I am not mistaken.... why dun you post on Luther to ask for him... he posted a while ago, might be worth looking him up esp if you need a mirror face on your bass.

For custom P basses, i recommend you assemble something of your sepcs from and good

Ken: so be it 8)

shredrat: he's talking bout furniture shop mah,not asking for recomendation for someone who's specialised in doing custom finishes
you can easily find lots of furniture shop in yellowpages what
seems like you're not reading it right...