Cubas LE 4 metranome/click problem (inconsistent).


New member
Recently I tried recording acoustic guitar using a mic through a audio interface and into Cubase LE 4.
After setting the tempo of the click on Cubase, I start recording.
While playing, I realize that the click tempo was not consistent.
As if the clicks was trying to follow my strumming tempo.

Any idea what is the problem? :confused:
what's your pc specs and audio interface?
cos the last time I had this problem was I was using a non ASIO Driver DAW on a shit com. haha

to test if your metronome has tempo problems, record your clap or something percussive instead (and make sure your clap is in sync with the metronome) then try playback . or even better, if you have a hardware metronome or using iphone (download a metronome app) , start sync record THAT metronome, then sync/quantize it together with the cubase one. I mean that shouldn't go wrong.
if it's fine.. then no offence man it could be your playing and ears playing tricks on you.
2.66GHz Core 2 Duo processor
500GB harddisk

Audio Interface:
Alesis iO|2

I tried using Protools and it work just fine. Do you think there is something to do with the setting on Cubase?
Even my friend notice the inconsistency of the clicks.
your specs is fine as is man.

2 cubase le problem threads one shot hmm.. can you try any other daw? or audacity or reaper etc. see if it's ok. cos if it is, it does sound like a serious bug or try update your cubase LE