Crazy things people do on the MRT

My general rule to deal with people who blast their music on public transport is this : take out my portable speakers, plug in Behemoth/Deicide/Cannibal Corpse and BLAST back. They usually get the drift, and somehow the ah beng gangsters seem sorta scared of metalheads, I guess their superstitious and there is the misguided impression that extreme metal fans are devil worshipping.

LOL. Nice one. Any Death Metal band wud be able to do it. But, what if the listen to it and start to MOSH LOL!?!?
LOL, the fourth video!

I'll agree with the blasting back technique, although... We are like scooping down to their level by doing the same thing back.

Just remember. If you ask them to stop and they don't, then just heck and blast your own... Eh, AMON AMARTH.
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