Crazy Dreams, but we're crazy too ;)

Mitchy Estrop

New member

My name's Mitchell Estrop, just call me Mitch or Mitchy!
I'm kinda new to this forum thingy, so i'll jump to the point!
Me and my good budd, Mr Nigel Alex! kinda have a dream to form a band. Think we might begin with a cover band, then if it gets good, we'll take things to the next level.

Call us undecisive or lazy, but we've talked about it for way too long and would like to put a group together. We both play guitar but I started with the bass last year. We haven't really decided on what kind of music we want to play, but these are the kind of music that we listen to.

I'm more of the energetic numb-nut, i like mostly the fast-paced, cheerful, funny music. I'm kinda leaning towards the Blink-182, Green Day, Muse, Vines, Bravery sort of angle. But don't get me wrong, i listen to Slash, Smashing Pumpins, Katy Perry, Stereophonics and a load more.

My friend Nigel, well, he likes the slow simple stylings of Jason Mraz all the way to the energetic beat of Avenged Sevenfold.

We wanna find people tp play with basically, probably start off with covers, and if it gets good, we'll take things more seriously, crank it u a bit.

We need!
We are looking to form a group of 4, so we need 2 more people!
We need a drummer for sure!
and we need a singer, if you could play an insturment, either guitar or bass, it be kind of a bonus for us! :)

Preferred age: Like, somewhere along the same age as us schooling kids, 18.

We both are not exactly pros, but then again, not exactly beginners. so if you've got the average skill, it would match us well!

So HEY! If you're interested, let me know, and we'll get in touch!

-Mitchy Estrop

i could try out for vocalist, but my vocals maybe more towards poppunk? and i can play either guitar or bass... and drums without double bass, POSSIBLY singing while playing drums... haha,
anyways hit me up and if you need any recording samples please tell me thank you :)
Hi Mitch. My name is Shawn. I'm 20 this year. I'm a drummer. Been looking for a band for just about eternity. I'm pretty sure I can handle what you guys listen to. If you wanna try me out...just text me @ 82335534. Oh yea...I've been drumming for 7 years.