CRAZY buzz from 1spot adapter?


New member
I need some comments on this issue.

Hum = "eeeeeee" like a mosquito
Buzz = "bzzzzzzz" like a bee

My efx chain:
Pitch black -> Dunlop 535q wah -> Boss SD1 -> proco rat -> Mxr 6band EQ -> ehx memory man hazarai

I was getting some HUM from my rig setup when I was using my previous adapter which is a MOEN 600mA adapter I got from TYMC. It it was this constant "eee" and "tick, tick, tick" sound which was according to the tap tempo flashing. The volume of these noises weren't very loud but definable audioble.

A few people told me that I'm getting this problem because my adapter was of too low mA. I was quite confused because when I calculated the current draw from all my pedals, it was probably around 400mA (I can't really remember). My adapter had a cap of 600mA soo it shouldn't be a problem right?

However, I decided to give a higher mA adapter a shot to get rid of the hum and ended up buying a 1spot adapter with a cap of 1700mA.

When I tried it out. OMG! I got a loud buzz when I turn on my drive pedals, like really irritatingly loud!

What could be the problem here? Could the higher current cap of the 1spot be causing this buzz? It isn't a small hum, it is a noisy buzz (think trying to put your input jack into the guitar without tuning off the volume)

Ive also noticed that the MOEN adapter had an earth (3 pin) but the 1spot only had 2 pin, no earth.

Your views would be much appreciated!
I've used a Onespot adapter before, several years ago... I used it with a daisy chain that wasn't made by the same brand, because when I bought the adapter, G77 didn't have any daisy chains left. I ended up having really bad noise issues. In fact, I could feel a slight current when I touched the metal parts of my pedals.

I switched to a Biyang adapter and all my problems went away, but the Biyang's daisy chain is built-in, so no compatibility issues. It was also a two-pin adapter, but I managed just fine with it. I think the Onespot needs to be used with daisy chains by the same company, cannot mix and match daisy chains. Heard someone say that before, when I asked for help...
Just an opinion on noise...
Sometimes noise can be inherited from other non gear related problems..
Just thought I would share a few that I have encountered before.

Fluorescent lights
Poor grounding of extension plugs <- very common with those cheap MIC extension plugs.
Placement of pedal board beside or around the amp.

Try isolating the problem by one pedal at a time.
Hope this helps.
Oh, alright, I'll try different arrangements and placements to see if that could be the cause of the problem.

The funny thing about it is that it only happened after I switched to the one spot. I'll try out both adapters when i get home later.

Another thing to note, adapters with higher mA ratings are more prone to noise issues. I have a strong feeling that it's your delay pedal; they're quite often the culprit in issues like this.
I cant seem to locate the problem.

I recently tried it out at different venues. All produced that same buzz when I kick on the drive pedal.

However, the last time I tried, I somehow managed to eliminate the buzz but I wasnt sure how I did it or is it a permanent fix. What happened was that I was getting the buzz with the 1spot, so i swapped adapters to try out my old adapter (MOEN), which eliminated the buzz but still got the hum I mentioned in the 1st post. I then switch the adapter back to the 1spot and guess what? The buzz was gone.

I tried everything, wiggling all patch cables, the adapter, the connection to the daisy chain, everything. But i wasnt able to get the buzz back. It was quiet. So now what I am afraid is that if it is really fixed already by something or will the buzz come back. I dont want it to come back when Im performing or anything ...