crate amps.

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hey..anyone used crate amps b4?

like BT25 or BT50..

where do i find them and wads the price?

geez..wished tt more of these music shops had websites.heh.
the distortion on newer crate amps are, imo, crappier then those older ones say 2 to 3 years ago...

they may look better, but the ysure don't sound better
im torn between the Laney HCM30,Ibanez SW35,Hartke A35 and the Crate BT25/50...

so..which shud i go for?
if u play at home can't really play too loud anyway so volume shouldn't really be an issue. Just get the one that sounds best lor..
ashdown is good?saw some at music theme.but i dunno if its good.aniwae..juz keep it coming.EVERYTHING.

i still need help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i personally have the Laney. decent sound for a decent priced amp. besides, it's only a home practice amp. dont need to good. 30W is already pushing it i guess. get the Peavey Microbass. i highly recommend that, so do many other SOFT bassists. :D

an 8 inch is like..kinda too small for me..well..i want a 10 inch one.cos u see..i might be performing in a coming skool concert.

you must be thinking.."10 inch?u gotta be crazy.its way too small"..

well..the thing not performing for my performing for my sec skul..

here's the catch.THEY DUN ALLOW LOUD it has to be at reasonable volumes..

i figure an 8 inch is too a 10 will fare better.

wad are your views..btw..the guitarist will be using an 10 inch amp.
but the thing is we are not gonna play it loud.and the songs we play arent tt loud either..the other time..the bassist used a 10" amp..and it sounded alright.i mean..i dunno wad brand he used...but..there was clarity and kinda..more keen with the 10" speakers..
he may have blasted it. bass sounds best with some headroom. max i would go for any performance is half. above that the sound quality tends to dip. work out a compromise, and sort out your priorities. performance rig or just a small home practice amp?

you can borrow the other bassist's amp for the performance also what .. 8)
the thing is.i hate him for his ego and arrogance.


i nvr kept in touch wit him.. its between the ibanez and hartke?

ouh well..

im so at a lost.
Totally agree. When I go down to Swee Lee to try basses out, I always gravitate towards the microbass, even tho' it's the smallest amp there.
sheesh..ur rilli making me fall for tt amp..hell..i must try tt amp..btw..if i wanna try tt amp rite..shud i bring my own bass..or shud i juz use a bass from sweelee?
You could use a bass from Swee Lee, but it's best to bring your own bass down.

One more thing to remember. You have to be very clear that you're buying a PRACTICE amp, not a monster stack to plonk on stage.

You're not going to get a super huge sound out of it. Just go with the correct notion of getting a proper practice amp with decent sound, and you should walk away a happy man when you finally choose to buy one.