controling feedback?


New member
hey. does anyone of you knows how to control feedback? went to one gig and saw a metal band that did it. the guitarist had lots of feedback and he used it together in the song together by holding on to the note and using the tremolo arm. any clue on how to do this?
get the volume of your amp, preferably all tube, high. and put your guitar in front of the tube. you can then control the amount of feedback with the placement of the guitar. added feedback when you use an od/dist pedal with higher gain
You can also stack distortion pedals. When both my HM-200 and Bad Monkey are activated (both have their gain levels at half, intense enough already!) I get a lot of a feedback, but it actually sounds very cool. Moving my guitar around actually does affect the feedback a bit, but most effective when you have a fan blowing at it.
What the softies said here are true.. Tom Morello uses feedback to solo at times, by simply altering the pitch/"note" with his tremolo arm..
There are certain pedals that can generate feedback for you.. Certain self-oscillating fuzzes are notorious for generating squealing sounds, such as the Zvex Fuzz Factory and Deviever/Effector 13's Truly Beautiful Disaster..
easiest fernandes sustainer

flick a switch instant on/off feedback
unfortunately guitars with this feature usually cost $1000+
erm... Feed back, tubes and fans? :confused:

LOL soon you will here: "feedback more effective when you fart, cause it will send the signal back to amp stronger, since the amp is located behind you" :D

Lots of 'pro' here :D
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