connecting behringer xenyx 1222fx to soundcard


New member
hi guys, i have a behringer xenyx and is unsure as to how i can connect it to my e-mu 0404 soudncard can someone teach me? thanks!
Are you recording only from external sound sources or do you intend to record PC sound sources (ie softsynth etc) as well?
Actually, forget what I asked. I wasn't thinking. Initially, I was thinking whether you'll be recording also from your PC (using softsynths) which may require connections from your PC audio out to our mixer. But I forget that anything from the PC will be routed internally anyway without requiring external cables.

I believe you may have a USB audio interface, which means you can just connect the USB directly to your PC for digital recording.

Otherwise, you can either connect the main outs to the Emu or the RCAs out to your Emu. Details should be in the manual.
hi cheez thanks for the info, apparently the manual isn't that helpful, btw teh main outs on the mixer are XLR and the input of my soundcard is TRS does that mean i need some kind of converter ?
Use the RCA (ie the CD/Tape out). To get a converter means to get a DI box - not necessary particularly for your case in home recording since you're PC is not situated far away from your mixer.
hi cheez i just realized that i need to monitor with headphones also, as such i would need to reroute my signal caus ethe e-mu soudncard only has two out puts, so how do i connect my monitors to the mixer and be able to use headphoens as well?
I'm moving your thread to the right category (Sound) so the sound engineer experts like blueprintstudio can help out.

I've downloaded the 1222FX manual and you're right - it's one lousy manual that's not very helpful. I find Mackie manuals to be one of the best - extremely helpful. Makes you wonder what is the reason for them writing manuals. And the their website is so erractic that I gave up trying to get info.

I cannot find sufficient info. So you have to provide the info. Mixers usually have a headphone output jack. Does yours have one?

What I do with my Mackie - the monitors come out of my Control Room outputs. I am able to select the source for the control room. If I click "Main Mix", my monitors will give me the main mix from all the inputs to the mixer. I hook my PC output to Tape In or ALT inputs. I can select this as the source for the control room. To hear my the mix from my PC, I switch off the main mix button and turn on the tape in or ALT inputs button and I hear only the mix coming from my PC.

Now, you should be able to do this similarly to your Xenyx.

Others who own a Xenyx, please help out here.
"I'm moving your thread to the right category (Sound) so the sound engineer experts like blueprintstudio can help out. "

wah eh win already lor. hahah. that sudden obligatory charity feeling.. heheh j/k. sorry been busy with work..

ok it's a little messy, so i'll just explain as simple as I can :

1) you didn't state what model of Xenyx behringer mixer you're using so i'm assuming it's this.
Manual : A.pdf

apparently the only outs on the mixer that i know of are RCA out, XLR out . and the "Phons CTRL" .i'm not too confident on the theory with "Aux send" / "Mon send" side.. gotta be hands on the mixer myself to try it out. but I think they do "output" signal too.. do try plug in headphones (DO NOT wear them in case it does a loud pop sound that damages your hearing)

2) you're using this...

it has 2 1/4jack ins. and outs. and all the rest of unrelated stuff..

3) you want to record lets say guitar and vocals. 2 mics.
2 mics > xenyx > emu
at the same time monitoring..

so for recording =
mics > mixer > MAINOUTS : XLR female to 1/4jack TRS cables. > emu's analog ins.
mics > mixer > RCA OUT : RCA male to 1/4jack TRS cables (not sure if this is possible, should be la..) > emu's analog ins.

you can make that XLR female to 1/4jack trs at simlim square. usually i go to this shop called "Suang Huat Heng"

4) for monitoring =

emu > 1/4jack analog outs > xenyx mixer's "LINE IN 11,12" (for example) > PHONS/CTRL channel > your headphone lor.
should be alright this way.

otherwise get a RCA stereo (red/white) to male 1/8 jack adapter + then get a female 1/8 to female 1/8 jack adapter(looks like a mini golden pipe) , then headphones.

xenyx mixer > RCA OUT > RCA STEREOtoMale1/8jack adapter + female 1/8 to female 1/8 jack adapter > headphones monitoring.

hope this helps. and do respond if it works. or doesn't.

90¢ worth.
Thanks Blueprint! ...will try out the suggested method and post my feedback ...realli appreaciate the prompt help and respone frm u and cheez CHEERS! :)....for the above method, as i am connecting my guitar to the mixer and using the mixer as a preamp i would be able to hear my guitar playing through the monitors ,but the thing is i am using plug-ins and effects and thus would be able to hear the raw unprocessed sound and processed sound coming out from the monitors right?
you're welcome.

guitar > preamp (mixer) inputs > soundcard inputs > DAW's VST/plugins/effects (it has to be live standalone software like amplitube right?) > soundcard outputs > mixer's outputs > headphones.

simple? confusing?

audio signal is sort of like eating and shitting. what goes in, will come out.