Compressor for Bass


New member
I'm still looking for the right (9v-powered) compressor, and I've narrowed it down to these:

EBS Multi-comp (only one on eBay and there's no way I'm buying one new! $_$)
Goose's Citrus thingamajig (very very tempting)
Toadworks Mr. Squishy (very tempting, they even have clips!)
BBE Opto Stomp (tempting! I like BBE stuff.)
Demeter Compulator (tried one out, I like a lot!)

Keeley's way out of my price range, or else I'd include it in.

I'm sure they're all amazing, but fundamentally I'm guessing that they're all based around the Ross circut, with enhancements here and there (correct me if I'm wrong!), so right now it's all down to preference and I really can't decide. Anyone have any experience with them on bass?

Heard Exin play with the EBS the other day when we were at Davis and it sounded really good, so I know I've got an option there. I haven't tried the rest, though...
The Citrus way off any of the above especially the R or D comps !! :smt112
Yes. its opto ..but that opto is diy.

this comps sticking with me :) . got it from 3notes 2nd hand. he said that it added some highs to his sound and i guess it does add a bit but nothing in the low end lost. imo the highs add some sparkle and bite to my basses. makes the atk very aggresive sounding when i go at the strings hard.

as for the compression side, you can't hear any noise added at all and the compression acts in a very natural way. you won't find any sudden changes in volume unless you max out the compression controls.

can let you try it out if u want. hols starting this saturday so i'm freeeee

why dont you consider a barber tone press too? in the guitar world they're about on par with keeley in terms of reputation from what i hear/read.
EBS is really shiok .. =) ...

i'll give you the review of the Super Comp when it comes in ... meanwhile .. i'm kinda regretting shipping via vPOST cos the shipping is super ex ... bahs ..
Yeah, I know.. I've searched through talkbass many times already but I haven't found what I'm looking for. That, and they can't give me reviews on Goose's compressor :/
But do you know what kind of pedal compressor you want? More Substain or Squashy and does transparency play a part? This are factors that may help you decide.
Yes... soft-knee, dynamic (or at least tweakable) attack, slow release, and either 1) transparent or 2) tubey. My White Finger is great but there's no space on my board for it, which is why I'm looking for alternatives..
Than you need more than 2 knobs if you want an adjustable attack & release.
EBS has the tube simulation(Maxon/Art are tube Compressors), Demeter Compulator/Punch Factory is transparent.
Opto compressors include Punch Factory, BBE Opto Comp.
As for soft knee, the compression knob usually plays a part in controlling the knee besides the compression ratio. Maxing the knob makes the compressor react in a hard knee way to the signal.
Yeah... was looking at the Maxon/ART comps, but ART is 9VAC and the Maxon takes 10VDC.

Do you have any compressors in your rig currently that aren't in my list?
I really want to recomend the ART... but asyou correctly commented its AC power! I had to custom my power supply to accomodate...

The only problem with the ART is if the power cuts it take 5 secs to activate cause there s a time delay built in for the tube to warm....which is a pain in the ass if someone kicks your powersupply during a set....
Eh ahkiatt, this a lil OT but you going bangkok? When ? I'm there from 5 to 15, maybe can meet up ! :D

Btw, that Mr Squishy dam nice leh... GAS!
haha what's OT... erm yea i'll be there from 13th to 16th... how to contact you there... my friend knows of a place mall there that sells lottsa instrus. =.=
ahkiatt said:
hmm lookin for one too... what can i get for 200 bucks in bangkok. thanks in advance.

200 bucks gets you a citrus comp from goose :p

Tried it out at Mrmisse's place the other day and walked away $200 poorer. :/ The next thing on my shopping list is that Mini Q-tron! Sigh