Complete newbie want to learn acoustic


New member
Hi guys, I wanna pick up learning an acoustic guitar cause I don't wanna waste my army days without learning something. Got a few questions.

1) I don't wanna spend too much on a guitar so my budget is about $100.. Leisure playing, don't need any extremely superb quality, any decent acoustic guitars for that price? And where can I buy it?

2) I read the threads here and they always say "try the guitar first before buying" but I totally do not know how to play a guitar so how exactly do I try them at the store?

3) I don't plan to go for lessons so is it possible for me to become a competent acoustic guitar player just by learning from the internet online?

1) TGM at Ranking? Some SOFTies have had good experiences with TGM guitars, so maybe you might want to try these. If you don't mind getting a classical with nylon strings, you can find cheap classical guitars at Davis that cost less than $100. Different sound and larger neck, but you can play it the same way as a steel-string acoustic.

2) Maybe ask the salesperson to play some stuff for you? Then at least you can hear how it sounds and decide if you like it. You can also strum it without pressing any strings, and decide if you like its sound.

3) It is possible, but I think it is always best to have a guide with you. A Beginner Guitar book should suffice, or a website with videos and pictures that teaches things systematically. Nothing beats having a teacher but plenty of guitarists are self-taught so you can still become a good guitarist, just that the process will be longer.