haha. face it, fellow masters of the low end. we get really bored playing the same line over and over again and there's this nagging temptation to start slapping and popping all over the place. heh. maybe not too much.. just little licks here and there. and if u aint gd enuff (like me =x) u find that little break inside to ur fill in, you MAY find that some of the feel is lost in the song.
our main job is to keep the groove man. sure it can be boring. but stop playing and see wad hapens. =p
if u wanna do crazy licks and interesting bass lines, think to yourself. will it justify the song you are playing? does it convey the mood and help enhance the song? or is it just some show off kinda thing?
nevertheless, it's important that bassists add some fill in of their own so as not to keep the song boring. but make sure ur priorities and intentions are right. AND ur up to that level. if you find that u get out of timing playing something else, don't do it.