Comparison between Epip Dot & AlleyKat


New member
Hey. Just wondering. Which guitar should i get in terms of quality,sound and wad so eva. Epiphone Dot or AlleyKat. The price differs from abt 230bucks. Which but is the alleykat really worth the extra $230? could u please tell me ur opinions.
1) Go to shops and test it out yourself.
2) Which one gets your attention more?
3) Go with an experienced friend if you're unsure which one sounds better.

Every brands has its lemons. Not all epiphone dot/alleykat are of the same quality.

i believe the specs of both guitar are about the same. except that alleykat has a different humbucker @ neck pickup.
Watched the Dark Knight? Just.... Flip a coin.... :twisted::twisted::twisted:

Never heard of an AlleyCat before LOL! Inexperienced guitarist. So it's the Dot for me =X
Head for Dot, Tail for "AlleyCat" lol.

yeah but xinjiapor asked for a guitar in terms of quality/sound.
I've also stated that both are same in specs except the neck pickup =)