COMEBACK KID Live in Singapore

best show in my life man! cbk played a great set. i really loved die tonight, all in a year, partners in crime and lorelei!!:mrgreen: hope someday, they drop by singapore again. and suprisingly there are quite hot girls over there. And can some1 post some great quality pictures!! i wanna see them cos i didnt get to take them.
Post Show....

From the bottom of our hearts we really like to say THANK YOU to all who came yesterday. Though it was short of the 300 (originally 400) we expected but the few of us really showed CBK a kick-ass good time.

When it almost came to the end.... who can forget Wake the Dead? It is difficult to describe the crowd & scene... if you were not there because you were undecided then you would have died with one more regret.

Especially also a big THANK YOU to the unsung behind the scenes heroes... the Road & Load Crew, the Security posse, our Stage Techie and the Merch & Tix girls.Things wouldn't have run so smoothly (almost) without all your hardwork too.

This has got to be one of the best HxC shows in Singapore! I dare say even better than Sick Of It All last year?

My camera's batt died on me and I forgot the spare! ARGH!!! So best pictures submitted will win Comeback Kid merch. Email to

yes finally. i saw like a hundred photographers there and no photos posted! hope to see some soon.

Yeah we hope to see some pictures real soon! Email them to us and get to win some CBK merch if yours is chosen the best picture. Submission of pictures latest by 2 May (FRI)!
An honour...

It was indeed an honour to be part of bringing in one of hardcore's finest band to our shores.. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Arthur for roping me in and be part of the entourage..

For those who had the pleasure and the opportunity to meet and chat with these dudes..
each one of you will simply agree wimme that these guys are the nicest, awesomest rockers that you will ever get to come across with.. Simply humble, no airs bout them whatsoever..

From tummy-bloating fun Andrew, always-grinning Uncle Jerry, fast-yelping Matt (when he's drunk), mellow nice-guy Casey, and beer-guzzling Kyle... it was an honour..

Not forgetting those who were involved and had made this show a magnanimous success.. especially to all the kids who were present to experience the atmosphere.. those who swirled and thump-beatdowns to their hearts-content.. you all made it to another memorable hardcore fiesta!

And or those who have chosen to stay away because of their own political issues or another.. Man, did you missed a great show! But then.. thanks to Youtube.. you may actually get a glimpse of the event..
It was indeed an honour to be part of bringing in one of hardcore's finest band to our shores.. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Arthur for roping me in and be part of the entourage..

For those who had the pleasure and the opportunity to meet and chat with these dudes..
each one of you will simply agree wimme that these guys are the nicest, awesomest rockers that you will ever get to come across with.. Simply humble, no airs bout them whatsoever..

From tummy-bloating fun Andrew, always-grinning Uncle Jerry, fast-yelping Matt (when he's drunk), mellow nice-guy Casey, and beer-guzzling Kyle... it was an honour..

Not forgetting those who were involved and had made this show a magnanimous success.. especially to all the kids who were present to experience the atmosphere.. those who swirled and thump-beatdowns to their hearts-content.. you all made it to another memorable hardcore fiesta!

And or those who have chosen to stay away because of their own political issues or another.. Man, did you missed a great show! But then.. thanks to Youtube.. you may actually get a glimpse of the event..

nicely said! it was indeed a great honour to be there witnessing one of the best hardcore show in Singapore.:D
I have photos of Comeback Kid's open acts on my MySpace. - Sya Hysteria [Site Re-Linked!] - 19 - Mujer - Bloody Redhill -

Subtle Revenge's photos will be uploaded soon, and I am working on Overthrown's photos.

Photos of Comeback Kid will only be released in the June issue of Shout!. It is not a printed zine, it is online based, so you can just click away.

It's best you add me up on MySpace so you can look out for announcements from me from the bulletins I send.

hello there guys,

if u happened to snap some pictures of the cbk show..

especially of Subtle Revenge's set,

can u email it to

its for archiving purposes la..eheh..

and do leave your name,if i happen to use it in the future,ill credit it to u..



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