Combined Band Gig Darkness

Event: Combined Band Gig Darkness

Venue: The Art House ,Playden ( 1 OLD PARLIAMENT LANE)

Date: 18th Dec' 2010, Saturday

Time: 3pm - 11pm



(Image of the crowd at all Combined Band Gigs, taken from Combined Band Gig(III)

All bands are invited to this major event in this month of December. Be it a new band trying to gain popularity or a veteran band showcasing their wonderful artpieces, the huge supportive crowd will definitely be the motivation!

Bands List

Band Bestfriend Fornever
Band This Grace By Caroline
Band Hatred Endlessly
Band Bisakumara
Band This Side Up
Band Choose Your Fate
Band Enesya
Band Nix Vacillation

For any enquiry, please contact Dan at 92347675 or email at Facebook: Take a look at the previous gigs)
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dude, you still need a band to perform? are covers allowed? text me for the details, 90931686. we are a metalcore band