Collab with Indigo_Blues and Shredcow


New member
Well, I dropped by Kevin's place today, to check out his 1969 Twin Reverb and let him check out my gear.. at the end of the session, he wanted to do a recording so here it is. :P

All done in 40mins...

My rig into Kevin's amp, mic-ed up and into his mac and stuff.... Kevin did the mix down, I just played off the cuff... pardon the overwhelming clichés.

haha that was a great session.. thoroughly enjoyed going through Daniel's bag of goodies.. wow.. blackstone, CE-2, skreddy.. did a lot of A/Bing of the pedals.. the blackstone is good stuff i must say. Thanks Daniel!

The recording was a basic setup of a shure SM58 stuck at a 45 degree angle in front of the amp into my small behringer mixer and tracked on my computer with cubase LE. No other effects were used except for a mild compression on the overall mix. Hope u guys like it. :)