Clueless abt bass


New member
what sorta basses are there and what differences(physical or soundwise) do they have?......what sorta genre uses wat sorta bass anywaes?
so do u play bass or guitar??

or are u juz like some of us(who plays bass and guitar)?
dude...i think its better for you to research it yourself,coz it tooks all the time in the world to answer that qn,its like asking 'tell me all the thing bout bass'
i dont think you know anything bout bass,so find out on your own first before shooting of question like that,let's say i answer your qn,i dont think you'll understand all the terms,so get the hang of it first dude
ahh....did some research the onli diff between a precision bass and a jazz bass is the kind of pickups?...wats the diff between sound anyways?...or there isnt any difference?
Rockhound said:
ahh....did some research the onli diff between a precision bass and a jazz bass is the kind of pickups?...wats the diff between sound anyways?...or there isnt any difference?

there's a diff obviously,precision's got rounder tone,while jazz is mellower,if there's no diff they wont put two diff name which is actually the same...
bro even if you did your research,dont expect to get all the things done in one day,takes lots of time to understand this whole 'bass' thingy,even longer than woo-ing girl
kid_slacker said:
or are u juz like some of us(who plays bass and guitar)?

u're 1 of 'us' who's like tt right :lol: ?maybe we shud create a post to find out how many of us here r like this..

rockhound:if u're looking for a bass, i juz read bass player mag which recommends ibanez GSR-200..according it's the most well-selling instrument..beating other basses n even guitars, amps n pedals..

damn i feel like playing bass again after reading tt mag..
A PJ configuration has the diversity of having the sound of both a Precision and a Jazz as it has both pickups.
I however, can use a J to get the sound of a P by either having sharp fingernails or using a pick, as well as through compression.
I also can get a J sound from a P bass through running through tubes and adjusting my fingerstyle.
So basically, a lot of things can be copied or emulated if you know the technique.
bin4christ said:
u're 1 of 'us' who's like tt right :lol: ?maybe we shud create a post to find out how many of us here r like this..

right-o.i play both bass and guitar..i used to play drums 3 yrs ago..but have stopped since.. a bass and a guitar at drumset tho. :lol:
I understand kidslacker, a normal drumset would cost $1,200. And the problems with the neighbours. My drummer got an electronic drumset but it wasn't cheap.
electronic don't sound as good as the real gotta put on headphones or plug in a speaker its weird :?
But for the sake of..having future practices at his house. (Really)Long term we will save on jamming studio money. His investment though it's not cheap.
He's running through headphones, no speaker yet.
But recording-wise/gig-wise still use acoustic drum set.
Anyway let's welcome Rockhound into the bass club...
Colarndo said:
But for the sake of..having future practices at his house. (Really)Long term we will save on jamming studio money. His investment though it's not cheap.
He's running through headphones, no speaker yet.
But recording-wise/gig-wise still use acoustic drum set.
Anyway let's welcome Rockhound into the bass club...

wats a good cheap starter bass anywaes?...can it run on a guitar amp anywaes?or do i need to get a bass amp instead
TGM, Squire, Samick, Aria all lower end basses.
You need a dedicated bass amp as guitar amps cannot hand the low end frequencies of a bass.
or if u really wnat a new guitar amp u could just whack ur bass through it

spoil it

go up to ur parents

TGMs build a lot of junk..but they do produce a jem among junk generally stay away from them..if u're really budgeted to TGM then u better bring along a bass pro with u..

anywei,ther's a TGM jazz bass copy at ranking going for only $160..but i personally wudnt recommend it tho..