on the subject of using too many pedals, you might say that, oh i see pros using them on tv, they sound great & i wanna be like them! let's quit school everyone!!!
be informed that most pros have their pedals connected in parallel: means, they connect the FX units to the 'FX Loop' feature of their expensive amp, which many of their admirers don't own, especially fledgling ones, who are still in school...
anyway, many of us here connect our pedals in series: guitars-pedals-amp (in this order). this way, the guitar's true signals are altered by the pedals before they reach the amp. i've been through this set-up & it's a self-defeating process. you invest in expensive guitars, swap pickups & all but you still connect in series- time for a change maybe?
however, some of us like connecting pedals in series- then my friends, it's really personal prefrences at the end of the day...
i see more benefits in having a parallel connection, especially when pedals enhances feedback. the reason why i advocate for a good amp above having many pedals. it's a re-channeling of your $$$.