Choosing between Schecter Tempest Custom and ESP LTD Viper 401


New member
Since their both about the same price (: which one would u choose? And yeeah i play hardrock/metal so therefore i selected these 2 models :D and their sexy as @#$%

Ur opinions are much welcomed (:
By appearance, i will get a red schecter, looks sexy to me too

For pickups, you must decide whether u want an active or passive. yeap.
personally i would get the viper. actives are more powerful and can give u the extra punch. u can get high output passives too, but u gotta swap out the stock pickups for the tempest. then there is the issue of 24frets vs 22frets. 24 fretters give u slightly better excess to the higher frets than 22 fretters. since u're gonna play metal and hard rock, chances are there will be some solo-ing on the higher frets. then again limited access can be overcome by constant practice till it doesn't bother u :)