Hello friends,
I spent the entire afternoon reading up on the m9 and m13, as well as hd series and the nova system. Dug out old threads regarding discussions about the few, and watched some videos on youtube but even though informative I still have some questions which I thought users here can help clarify.
Basically I'd wanted a looper, and looked at the m9/13, but decided that between the 2 it will be m9 cos I wont really need so many footswitches, and thus add on to mobility. Nevertheless, can i ask, lets say I'm using the looper on the m9, will I be able to switch between different effects, since they share the same switches? Or is it possible to switch back to the stompbox mode while the loop is still playing so that I can switch effects and go back to record more loop lines?
I believe the HD series has a loop function too, and have the same concerns for it as written above. In addition, what attracts me to the M series is the ease of use like that of analogs, as compared to usual mfx where many patches have to be stored. I remember seeing a vid about the pedal function on the hd series (eg one of the modes on the hd300), does that work the same as the M series with regards to being able to (de)activate just one effect per footswitch?
& the nova system, known for its pristine effects, which I saw on the tc website that it works more or less like a m9 just that you cant allocate where you want a particular effect to be placed, and cant stack 2 effects of the same nature (ie 2 delays) since they are fixed by default.
Wow quite a long post, dont know if I got my facts right or stated them clearly, but I'm more inclined to getting a nova system and an external looper if the m9/hd doesnt offer the option of switching effects while the looping is ongoing. Well, that option costs much more though.
Any input into this? Much appreciated!
I spent the entire afternoon reading up on the m9 and m13, as well as hd series and the nova system. Dug out old threads regarding discussions about the few, and watched some videos on youtube but even though informative I still have some questions which I thought users here can help clarify.

Basically I'd wanted a looper, and looked at the m9/13, but decided that between the 2 it will be m9 cos I wont really need so many footswitches, and thus add on to mobility. Nevertheless, can i ask, lets say I'm using the looper on the m9, will I be able to switch between different effects, since they share the same switches? Or is it possible to switch back to the stompbox mode while the loop is still playing so that I can switch effects and go back to record more loop lines?
I believe the HD series has a loop function too, and have the same concerns for it as written above. In addition, what attracts me to the M series is the ease of use like that of analogs, as compared to usual mfx where many patches have to be stored. I remember seeing a vid about the pedal function on the hd series (eg one of the modes on the hd300), does that work the same as the M series with regards to being able to (de)activate just one effect per footswitch?
& the nova system, known for its pristine effects, which I saw on the tc website that it works more or less like a m9 just that you cant allocate where you want a particular effect to be placed, and cant stack 2 effects of the same nature (ie 2 delays) since they are fixed by default.
Wow quite a long post, dont know if I got my facts right or stated them clearly, but I'm more inclined to getting a nova system and an external looper if the m9/hd doesnt offer the option of switching effects while the looping is ongoing. Well, that option costs much more though.
Any input into this? Much appreciated!