CHINESE DEMOCRACY debuts at no. 3 on the billboard chart= EPIC FAIL

visa and hydrofly, buy yourself a megamac and go to sleep.
relax, you dont have to be so serious in this thread.
take it easy wont you.and TS, dont post this kind of subjective topic ever again,as you can see the consequences arising here as a result of your own opinions.
rock n roll ain't noise pollution.
So if someone disses pop but defends GNR, they're being a hypocrite?

Definitely, at least that's what a pophead would tell you, but is a pophead human? If your answer is yes, then doing so is hypocrisy is it not?

Why is it hypocrisy? It's because you're dissing pop, in the process you would push aside someone defending it, yet, at the same time, you are going to fight tooth and nail to make sure nobody even touches GNR
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Definitely, at least that's what a pophead would tell you, but is a pophead human? If your answer is yes, then doing so is hypocrisy is it not?

Why is it hypocrisy? It's because you're dissing pop, in the process you would push aside someone defending it, yet, at the same time, you are going to fight tooth and nail to make sure nobody even touches GNR

I can understand your logic, but hear me out.

Everybody fights hard to defend those they love, and everybody fights hard against those they hate. Being true to yourself and your beliefs is NOT hypocrisy.

Hypocrisy is if you say "All music genres are equal", and THEN go on to do what you just said. But if you never make such claims to begin with, then you are not bound to be Mr. Diplomatic.
Why is it hypocrisy? It's because you're dissing pop, in the process you would push aside someone defending it, yet, at the same time, you are going to fight tooth and nail to make sure nobody even touches GNR

It would only be hypocritical if we were fighting tooth and nail to make sure no one baselessly insults the SAME subject of matter wouldnt it? Which is in ur example, pop.

Pop and GNR are different. Some might say GNR are pop, thats a whole issue which I don't bother about. It isnt really a contradicion because its two different subjects of matter we're talking about right?
Ok... I am not going to continue arguing my points here since I'm being a third party butting into this.

Sorry fat man with the ukelele, this is your fight.

Hydrofly out
Epic fail or not, from my personal view, I don't like this album.

Got all of GNR albums and whenever I got their new stuff back then, listen to them once and already I know which track kick ass. Heck, listen to them twice, the whole album is full of quality stuff.

For GNR latest album, none of the track really got to me even though I've listen to them around 6 times. The only track I think is acceptable is the track - This I Love.

The rest of the track ... :rolleyes:

For me, this is just Axl Rose Experiment band and NOT the GNR I know. Call me old school or what not .. this is my personal take on Chinese Democracy.
Oh please.

If Slash Duff Izzy Adler made an album but the vocalist isn't Axl, I bet you all will say the album sucks. Because it's "GNR is no GNR without Axl".

Why are we debating over this?!

I'm out, back to being a bedroom rockstar.
Street of dreams is really really nice.

And actually i like Chinese Democracy the song. If u listen u ll notice that they use very 'chinese sounding' riffs and licks very subtly here and there, and i love that. And i think that song kinda grows on you
C'mon guys, stop being so anal and taking everything so seriously. The hate level and respect in soft is dropping. It's not good to make personal attacks at each other and mentioning their achievements or anything. Debate about the topic and not about each other.

Personally I feel that the album has pretty good songs, except a few (being Shackler's Revenge, If The World and Chinese Democracy itself). There are also pretty good songs like Better, Street Of Dreams, Catcher In The Rye and Sorry to mention a few.

But, judging by the difference in the sales and the expected sales, it does look like a pretty epic fail IMHO. For a band that used to be crowned one of the greatest hard rock band, of which their albums were the best hard rock around, was expecting better sales. But as stated above, from a listener's view, it's still a good album worth the listen.

yes exactly, sheesh why you guys get so tensed up over the smallest of stuff, its just my opinion. You guys shld learn how to live, srsly.
just my observation,
i think basically what happened happened because people are too quick to judge others.
i personally did not like chinese democracy. After all that hype, i was expecting something similar or close to appetite for destruction.

It would be an epic failure of propotions to compare this GNR and this album, to old GNR and Appetite for Destruction. I'm not directly targetting you or anything, but being able to be open about the new GNR will make listening to the album so much more pleasurable.