Cheap distortion and pick-ups


New member
Anybody know where i can get a Turbo Distortion Ds-2 for less than 100? real tight budget right now and i really want a pedal. I know people are gonna recommend the DS-1 but the gain not heavy enough for me. And also about pick-ups. Know where i can get some good quality ones for once again less than 100?
would u want a 2nd hand one? i could try sounding my friend out to sell his DS-2.

PM if u want.

PickUps - looking for single or humbucking?
from luther

Date posted : 18 May 2005
WTS: Boss DS-2. In full working condition. Only some comestic scratches. I'd rate it 7/10. Looking for $60 firm. Feel free to test out the pedal before purchasing. Sms 91266901 to deal. Deal in Jurong pls.
am looking for humbuckers... not really looking for secondhand pedals but id prefer new ones. I think ill give it a week or 2 before making a decision.
then it may not be likely that you get it 1st hand sub $100.. not sure how much it goes new at swee lee though
get Seymor Duncan Humbuckers, not really cheap but worth it. As for distortion, Ds-2 may suit you, but get a new one, so that It will last longer. More value for your buck.
Yea well i was wondering like WHERE i can get them. Theres a shop next to Maestrp in Peninsula that can sell me a ds-1 for 70 but i really want osmehting heavier for underneath 100.
Well if you're handy with gadgets and soldering, you can get a Ds-1 and modify it for more heavier distortion and increased gain...
look for a used Ibanez Smash Box if you want an accepable intense distortion
looking for the SM7 where can i get it?

btw anyone know what's sweelee sales e-mail is? it donest say in their contacts.
i use the smash box, it's great for metal and like sub said not as overwelming as MT-2. and besides i love the built in noise gate, it does a great job of muting unwanted noise but doesn't kill your sustain too much.
i've owned several Ibanez tone-lok pedals before (currently only has TS-7), used non-alkaline batteries even, nothing too energy draining i would say...