Chaos Aftermath has been reactivated after a 7-year long stasis.


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We do a style of melodic death/thrash metal which we refer to as "Futuristic Metal". :D
Formed in Jan2000, released our demo "Slave to the System" in 2001, and our debut "Subtopia" in 2002.

The production of a 10-track Album is currently in the planning stage (additional industrial/electronica/synthish [interlude] bonus-tracks might again be added to create the atmosphere for some of the songs) -- Please visit our band page for more details.

Since I'm currently stuck in Perth, I've tediously synthesised and prepared "practice" versions of selected compositions (with fake drums and all) to accurately convey the songs to the other members, and (more importantly) to enable my drummer and bassist to practice and work on their parts. However, I just couldn't contain my excitement and resist (prematurely) sharing them. So, they are now available at our ReverbNation page.

(They will be replaced with "shorter" samples once Seelan is close to ready to commence recording the drums. But we'll take our time to make sure that everyone's ready before we commence with the actual recording this time.)

Note: They are not Instrumentals. They will still have the signature "vortex-growls" (Dani), real drums (Seelan) and bass (Kumaran), etc and more guitars, electronics and effects layers in our finished product. ;)

Poorly recorded and performed (1st draft) samples of other compositions which failed to get selected to be included in our next album are also available for streaming. I'll perfect and prepare better version once we start working on those much later on.

Hope you'll like them. ;)

Wade (CA)

MySpace: (Please Add Us!) =)

ReverbNation: (Lossa SneakPreviews Here)
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I like it! And the concept of using scifi-ish terms to label your members is pretty innovative, I think it's pretty cute. Haha.

Keep up with the good work man.
Thanks Mouse! :D

I like it! And the concept of using scifi-ish terms to label your members is pretty innovative, I think it's pretty cute. Haha.

hehe, glad that you don't find it "cheesy". :p Did it simply for conceptual-aesthetics.

Keep up with the good work man.

We're definitely working hard on it.

Wade (CA)
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More Sneak-Previews of Compositional-Stage draft songs are now up! (Parts/Layers currently programmed, by Wade -- still to be perfected and refined, and a couple few more layers have yet to be introduced).


[New Songs]
Advancement of the Last Mechanoid Regiment
The Vanguard Airship
The Star Commander
Air-Assault on Avatrion-21 (Layered ReMix 2.0)
/Replacing the previous 100%-Programmed Midi (Nintendo-sounding) version../

(Please refer to earlier update on full song-list for the more immediate upcoming CA album).

Hope you'll like them.

Wade (CA)
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wow!!!!u guys are supposed to be legendary.looking forward to hearing the stuff.are you guys similar to DEM regarding the scifi style???
wow!!!!u guys are supposed to be legendary.

w00t! Legendary? haha! Noooo... :oops:
But cheers for the exaggerated compliment though. :)
Its great to see our work actually being appreciated/enjoyed by others too.

We are just a couple of friends aiming to play and record music that we can feel accomplished about. :) And I just enjoy composing music as a hobby anyway.

I don't think the band is actually that well known, so I'm currently actively and shamelessly "pimping" it at various places to get some exposure (before the Album is finally produced and released), so that I hopefully won't make a loss with the printing again.

looking forward to hearing the stuff.are you guys similar to DEM regarding the scifi style???

Deus Ex Machina? Yeh I've recently found some of their music online. Great stuff! They were formed after I've put CA into cryo-stasis and left Singapore for my studies at the end of 2003, so I've missed out on them.

Conceptually I think we are perhaps similar (?). But I think we are still lyrically and musically distinct from one another. :mrgreen:
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