changing strings

oh.. how do you determine? does the strings sort of rust or something? mine are not smooth anymore and kinda rough makes it hard to slide.
hey guys...another question...which set of elec guitar 7 string sets are decent? i recently got an rg 7321 and the string snapped while yeah...any reliable brand?
Take the same brand you've been using for your 6 string. :) If they have a 7 string varient.

I can't get DR Titefits for my 7621. :( So its icky yucky D'addarios.

Say, btw, you wanna 7 string pups? I got 3 dimarzio 7 stirng pups for sale. PM me if you need some.
another question. fret buzz can be cause by the thickness of the strings right?

i used to had this problem then i change to a thinner sets of stings and it sort of reduce. now, sometimes if i strike too hard.. i will hear it. especially the 6th and 5th strings.

any idea?
I take about 2 - 3 months before changing strings...but only because I like my strings to be shiny, lol...always wait for them to rust but they never do...
marimekko said:
i used to had this problem then i change to a thinner sets of stings and it sort of reduce. now, sometimes if i strike too hard.. i will hear it. especially the 6th and 5th strings.

There's a diff between fret buzz and fret rattle. Fret rattle is normal, metal strings, metal frets, contact = rattle. Buzz is what comes out of the amp. Rattle doesn't come out of the amp. You should be more concerned about buzz than rattle. Unless you want your strings to breath.

And no. String guage doesn't really play a part in rattle/buzz. Its more of setup and stuff. Get a good setup, no buzz.
String gauge DO affect whether or not it buzz, in a sense if it is not set up.

Everytime you change your string gauge, you have to go for set up. They will adjust your bridge, action etc to make it playable.

As for your strings feeling rough, just use a piece of cloth to clean the strings if there isn't any rust. It's just dirty thats all.
I think he likes qualities of both so alternates them..

For instance EB strings I like the playability and Daddario I like the overall balance.

So I do alternate more or less.
And yes, Fret buzz/rattle not really determined by string gauge but lighter strings tend to spaghetti around more.