changing my guitar pickups?


Hey, i have an Epiphone Les Paul Custom Plus top and my wallet now has a hole in it after that purchase. However people have been telling me to change my pickups before a gig next week.

because i don't have much cash, i've been trying to get some cheaper Duncan Designed pickups. However, i've heard some people play those pickups on youtube (website doesn't have the audio samples for Duncan Designed pickups) and i don't really like the sound that i'm hearing, and IMO, i prefer my own LP's sound. I'm also definately sure that there's a difference between Seymour Duncan sounds and Duncan Designed sounds thus listening to the Seymour Duncan counterparts won't really help me.

So should i really change pickups? or stay with what i have now
Stays with what you have now if you prefer you own LP sound. I have a Gibson LP and I don’t change the pickups because I like the way it sounds. Unless you are not satisfy with what you have then look for something else. Don’t waste your money.

By the way, amp plays very BIG part in your guitar tone and you should consider pickup with less priority.
who are the people telling you to change pickups? why would they want you to change something on your guitar? you said it yourself you like the sound of your guitar already, so why change it?
Yeah... i agree with the comments above. You can compensate those "missing" tones with effects and a larger amp. Im sure with the right setup, ur git is gonna sound great.

Anyways, I doubt the audience would be that critical. Give a good show!
Get to know your instrument well first before deciding if yuo need to change pups ....

Do it as & when you have the $$$ to spare and if the correct pup suits your style.
well, if u wanna change pickups, make sure u change into something u want.. this is the first time i'm hearing somebody who's eyeing a change of pickups into something he doesn't like.. hehehe

:twisted: tone is in the fingers!! try tweaking the setup on ur guitar, pay attention to the height of the pickups w respect to the strings. you can visit either seymour duncan's website or dimarzio's website, they will have a rough gauge on how close ur pickups should be to the strings.

under that site, click pickups FAQ, click orientation and height adjustment. I'll copy and paste some info here.

"How high should I adjust my pickups for the best sound?

There is no specific distance that works best for everyone. We measure string height from the top of the polepiece to the bottom of the string when the string (usually the high or low E) is held down at the highest fret. For standard, full-size humbuckers, a reasonable starting point for the bridge pickup is at least 1/16" (1.5mm) from the high E and 5/64" (2 mm) from the low E. There are no recommended distances for the other 4 strings. Their polepieces should be adjusted (if necessary) by ear in relation to the volume established for the first and sixth strings. Once the bridge pickup is adjusted to a useful distance, the neck pickup can be adjusted by ear for a good balance."

i guess that's the part that applies to ur guitar. i sort of followed this instructions and i find my guitar's tone improved (i used to make my pickups lie much lower and the tone was a little weaker and sounds less meaty)

pickup height adjustment plays a part in tone shaping too, so u should try this first before considering a swap. but if u like ur current tone, u shouldn't even swap! lol :twisted:
U have "a hole in your pocket".
U prefer your guitar's pickup sound.
"People" say u have to change.

My answer? NO.

Still a youtube or sound sample is a bad presentation for difference in pickups unless you're really doing an A/B all settings same test.

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