Changing bass pickups


New member
Hi, I'm presently playing a Yamaha BBN4 bass and its time for me to change the pickups as the highs in the tone is gone. Is there anyone who could advice me on what pickups to use? Preferably something that's lesser than 300 bucks for a pair. Thanks. :p
Google yer request. I recommend EMG for bass coz itz active n takes to a new level, bt nt reli sure abt the price. There r many brands out there, n u reli have to take alot of things into consideration. Im nt a bassist so i cant reli hint u precisely. U need professional help in this, like i got frm ShredCow abt my guitar pickups. Post abt ur matter in the bass how-to forum.
@ schred : bro , kindly do not comment if you do not use EMGs , play bass or are very very familiar with the bass as an instrument. instead of contributing postively , it ends up a negative externality as the element of confusion is included in your recommendation.

for pickup change (if you are really interested in a pickup change) the key thing is to measure the pickup brackets/ pickup sizes. basses are not like guitars where generally a humbucker and a single coil pup are pretty much standard regiment size. bass pickups vary from manufacturer to manufacturer. the key thing you ought to note is the dimensions , following which you shortlist models that are suitable to fit your bass ( if no such models , tough luck bro , u might need to order a custom shop pickup with special size covers )

you might also take ur bass down to yamaha or any good guitar tech to inspect the pup coil windings. if your Bbn4 has been intensively played over a long period , the coils may need rewinding and "re-magnetising" if i m not mistaken.however this shouldnt be the case as the bbn4 is a relatively new model if i m not mistaken.

i know i dont know very much. but i hope the little i know helps :weedman:
stars said:
@ schred : bro , kindly do not comment if you do not use EMGs , play bass or are very very familiar with the bass as an instrument. instead of contributing postively , it ends up a negative externality as the element of confusion is included in your recommendation.

for pickup change (if you are really interested in a pickup change) the key thing is to measure the pickup brackets/ pickup sizes. basses are not like guitars where generally a humbucker and a single coil pup are pretty much standard regiment size. bass pickups vary from manufacturer to manufacturer. the key thing you ought to note is the dimensions , following which you shortlist models that are suitable to fit your bass ( if no such models , tough luck bro , u might need to order a custom shop pickup with special size covers )

you might also take ur bass down to yamaha or any good guitar tech to inspect the pup coil windings. if your Bbn4 has been intensively played over a long period , the coils may need rewinding and "re-magnetising" if i m not mistaken.however this shouldnt be the case as the bbn4 is a relatively new model if i m not mistaken.

i know i dont know very much. but i hope the little i know helps :weedman:
:lol: My intention wasnt to confuse, bt to provide an example of a gd pickup. My friend uses the EMG-JV on his bass & it does sound reli gd i've tried it. & i dont think the guy will b "oh-im-so-confused" after reading my post coz he'll have plenty of others to help him out :smt023
schred said:
My friend uses the EMG-JV on his bass & it does sound reli gd i've tried it.

sound is really subjective. what if the person prefers clean or uses it to play jazz ? would an EMG be suitable then ? really. at least provide some tonal description lar.. no offense k bro ?

anyway how does the EMG sound like ? humbucker ,soapbar , split or single ? any 1 out of the four can give u very very different sounds...
sound is really subjective. what if the person prefers clean or uses it to play jazz ? would an EMG be suitable then ? really. at least provide some tonal description lar.. no offense k bro ?
Oh yeah! Shit..forgot abt tht hahah sorry. No prob bro. Well the bass EMG-JV is unlike most of em, itz interface is of the original "offset" Alnico 5 pole pieces. The coils r of similar construction to the EMG-J, which has the capability for 5-strings. The sound is originally made for those "retro" kinda traditional classic tones, being a vintage jazz pickup. For hum-free effects, the EMG-P is a gd one, which uses short, squat coils tht have very little resistance bt plenty of inductance.
Hi guys, thanks for the replies! I actually wanted to change to the EMG-40P for the one closer to the fretboard and EMG-40J for the one closer to the bridge. Thought of using a PJ setup for a change. But found out that there's no more stock by davis, SIGH!!! Anyway, Yamaha BBN4 has a unique sized humbuckers so finding humbuckers may still post to be quite a problem, unless i compromise for smaller ones or redrill the pickup hole again.
Nt a problem man as long as we, especially me, didnt confuse u :lol: Well those r gd choices..the P series is actually very gd for hum-free operation as i stated earlier. The ceramic magnets add more clarity too. Lol..PJ would b seriously major Victor Wooten heheh. Combines the p n lj unit in a complete assembly. U tried asking them abt placing order or when they'r re-stocking? Dont worry dude..take ur time in this. If u rush, u might regret.
Hey, think you might wanna go try out basslines, think they're available at davis. The prices are quite reasonable and the pickups are pretty good. They come in PJ set's too.
Yo bro wraith,

I'm really considering changing to the seymour duncan bassline passive pickups. Heard that the price is much cheaper and the pickups are pretty good too! Well but hope its my taste as sounds preference is really quite personal. :lol:
Btw any bros out there know of any brands of bass strings that is black uin colour? Find that is looks cool and it really look good on my woody bass. :wink:
i read somewhere that seymour duncans and yamaha basses seem to go quite well together. doubt you'll ever find a one-to-one pickup size match. Yamaha is such a bitch when it comes to these things.

i've got bartolinis in my yamaha.. they don't sound all that great.

alternatively, which is what i thought of before, but never got down to doing it... is to get someone to find a way to transfer the coils from your new pickups into the yamaha pickup casing. you could also order custom wound pickups and see if the builder will use your yamaha casings.

as for black strings.. black diamonds. available at davis.
Mmm.... Black Diamonds... Okie I'll try that the next time i'm going to change my strings. Oh i was being introduced to bartolinis at first but a pair of active pickups that can coil tap costs around 600 bucks and that's without workmanship yet so i passed the deal coz my bass itself dun cost so much also. Hopefully i can fit the seymour duncans into my yamaha bass.
Wow i've collected my bass and the seymour duncans basslines pickups sound punchy man! Could really feel the increase in power in the tone of the active pickups! No regrets! :D