change pick up?


New member
i nd help.... i've got this guitar, the ibanez rg ex350 and i was planning to change its stock pickups. the only problem is i cant decideon emg, seymour duncan or dimarzio pickups. so any reviews or opinions?
dimarzio d sonic is nice, mid pickup dimarzio virtual vintage heavy blues.
lol how can u ask this question diff ppl have diff taste of course u have a lot of diff ppl with diff recommendation, also what kind of music u play. just go to the shop and test u know test diff guitars, but also not very accurate because the wood also make the diff, amp also some ppl ear very sharp diff cable also can hear the diff.
^ lol i took awhile to decipher the whole paragraph.
For a start, you might wanna ask yourself passive or active pickups? And the type of music you play, and what you are looking for in your new pickups~
the EX350 houses a set of passive pickups to begin with, should you consider having active units in there like the EMG, be mindful of the need to house the battery. if there isn't any room, soom gouging would be necessary 8-)
state ur music preferences, what kinda tone u are trying to get, or who u are trying to sound like.
that will help alot in giving u better advice on pups.
by the way, the amp u use will be a big factor in ur tone equation too.
I have the same guitar

i have the same guitar. i wanted to change to EMG's. since the guitar has passive pickups, i choose the passive EMG pickup. the EMG Hz. great pickup!
I heard that a D Activator is a passive that gives an active sound. Heard though. Never tried one, not really my kind of music anymore. Although i'd say go with EMGs, they were my first choice last time.
I heard that a D Activator is a passive that gives an active sound. Heard though. Never tried one, not really my kind of music anymore. Although i'd say go with EMGs, they were my first choice last time.

i didnt like them,mainly cos i suck, your mistakes get amplified ( well thats how i felt), but if you play good and clean, then by all means get this, it's awesome in its own right

Dimarzio X2N.

Can consider this as well. :cool:
If you're into extreme metal, go for EMGs. The reason why most metal musicians use EMG is that most of their pickups are active pickups. An active pickup generate higher output. It would tend to be much more 'louder' (due to a more wider dynamic range) compared to a passive pickup.

Mind you that when you use active pickups, due to their high output, they would need to be powered up by either one/two 9V batteries and you would need to change them when your guitar sounds muddy. This is the only disadvantage for active pickups

Passive pickups can be used indefinitely without any power source, just plug them onto the amplifier and you're ready to go.
x2n,d activator,virtual vintage are all great pick ups i have em all on my rg350.. but depending on what u play you might actually like or dislike the x2n due to it's crazy gain but yea if ur into metal it sure is a bonus when your squealing away with your harmonics
Seymour Duncan Blackouts FTW!!!!

Throwing away those stupid Duncan Designed stock pups and dropping a pair of 'em into my Rhoads tomorrow!

Yeah \m/
It really depends on what style you play. Say for example, if you play metal and you're a rhythm player, EMG 81 would be your best option. But if you love soloing and stuff like that, You might wanna try Seymour Duncan's TB4 or the Screaming Demon..